9 Ways to Make Your Virtual Events Less Lame


Tuesday, May 11th, 2021

9 Ways to Make Your Virtual Events Less Lame

I get it. 2020 was extremely long and an unprecedented year that will change the world forever. Now, we are moving along well in 2021 — but we are still dealing with the explosion of virtual events. The COVID-19 pandemic launched these virtual platforms into the stratosphere. Take Zoom, as an example, that reported a […]

Contract Writing 101: A Checklist for First-Time Entrepreneurs


Thursday, December 10th, 2020

Contract Writing 101: A Checklist for First-Time Entrepreneurs

For many entrepreneurs, starting a company isn’t just a pipe dream. It’s a goal that keeps them focused throughout the ups and downs of bringing a vision to life. Many founders have gone through the gauntlet of building a brand. More than 30 million small businesses operate in the United States, and most started out with little more than […]

5 Reasons Why Small Businesses Fail (And How to Avoid Each of Them)

5 Reasons Why Small Businesses Fail (And How to Avoid Each of Them)

Nobody plans to fail — especially not small business owners. But many don’t plan well enough to succeed, either. And unfortunately, there’s no shortage of reasons why small businesses fail that you can fall victim to. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, about 20 percent of new businesses fail in their first two years. […]

Major Hurdles for Startups of Productivity


Monday, July 13th, 2020

Major Hurdles for Startups of Productivity

It’s not easy launching a startup. What, with overcoming obstacles like finding your niche, getting your finances in order, and working with partners. Oh yeah. You also have to worry about building your brand, marketing, and recruiting and retaining top talent. That’s a lot for anyone to take on. But, one area that tends to […]

Should Your Startup Have Summer Hours?


Tuesday, June 2nd, 2020

Should Your Startup Have Summer Hours?

It happens every year as the weather gets warmer — employee productivity comes to a screeching halt. Employee productivity taking a slight dive at the beginning of summer isn’t breaking news. Business owners have noticed this trend for years. It’s said that when agencies in New York realized that employee productivity decreased in the summer, […]

Do Pets in the Office Help or Hurt Productivity?


Thursday, March 5th, 2020

Do Pets in the Office Help or Hurt Productivity?

Tech companies have long used office perks like flexible time, lavish catering, and on-site massage therapy to attract top talent. One of the latest new-age benefits? Office pets. From Nestle Purina to Uber, more pups are showing up in offices. Amazon is particularly famous for its pet friendliness, boasting an on-campus dog park, complimentary poop […]

12 Mental Health Hacks for Entrepreneurs


Thursday, December 19th, 2019

12 Mental Health Hacks for Entrepreneurs

There’s a mental health crisis among entrepreneurs. And, that shouldn’t be all that surprising. Being an entrepreneur is stressful, full of uncertainty, unhealthy comparisons, and social isolation. So few are using mental health hacks that research conducted by Michael A. Freeman has found that start-up founders are: Twice as likely to suffer from depression. Six […]

12 AI and Machine Learning Tools for Entrepreneurs


Wednesday, December 18th, 2019

12 AI and Machine Learning Tools for Entrepreneurs

Considering that it’s completely taken the world by storm, artificial intelligence is now a dominant feature of all business software. It’s prompted the Fourth Industrial Revolution that it’s expected to become a $60 billion market by 2025. How can AI be of assistance to entrepreneurs and startups? AI can boost productivity by a solid 40 […]

12 Ways to Encourage Your Team to Speak Up

Business Tips, Startup

Friday, August 30th, 2019

12 Ways to Encourage Your Team to Speak Up

Communication is a skill that all successful leaders need to acquire and maintain — not just in business, but also life. Having the ability to speak in a calm, concise, and clear manner will help your team be able to do likewise. Sharing your vision, goals, and expectations is only one piece of the puzzle. […]

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