3 Ways You Can Save Time When You Work Smarter

Business Tips, Productivity

Wednesday, January 31st, 2018

3 Ways You Can Save Time When You Work Smarter

Everyone has hard the adage “Work Smarter Not Harder”, but not everyone truly understands it. That’s because we live in a culture that values hard work and productivity. Because of this we assume that more production equals more pay. On the surface level, this is true. The more you produce the more you get paid. […]

3 Time Management Tips for The New Business Owner


Tuesday, January 30th, 2018

3 Time Management Tips for The New Business Owner

A few nights ago, I was out to dinner with a couple of students from my group coaching program. Both of these students are in the beginning stages of their businesses (we’re talking year one) and the conversation moved toward time management tips. Since I’m on year five of running my own business full time, I […]

6 Work-Life Balance Tips to Live By

Productivity, Time Management

Monday, January 29th, 2018

6 Work-Life Balance Tips to Live By

Remember work-life balance – that thing people argue doesn’t exist? To some work-life balance is just an overused buzzword that holds very little weight in the grand scheme of everyday life. To me, work-life balance it’s a lifestyle that involves using your time and energy wisely to prioritize work and personal/lifestyle activities. Will you ever […]

5 Simple Morning Hacks to Keep You Focused All Day Long


Tuesday, January 23rd, 2018

5 Simple Morning Hacks to Keep You Focused All Day Long

After a week spent eating delicious meals, spending time with family and exchanging gifts with friends, it can be hard to get back into the swing of things. Don’t worry though — using these simple morning hacks can make it a whole lot easier. While working at a desk might not seem like the most […]

2 Ways You Are Wasting Time in Your Business


Friday, January 19th, 2018

2 Ways You Are Wasting Time in Your Business

A common theme I see with business owners is how wasting time leads to a struggling business. And by wasting time, I don’t just mean wasting time on tasks. I also mean wasting time by taking too long to make decisions. I once heard an excellent quote on a podcast that kicked my tail into […]

3 Practices That Will Improve Your Focus

3 Practices That Will Improve Your Focus

As an entrepreneur, you likely have multiple things competing for your attention at all times. Between emails, messages, projects and everything else in your life, it can be difficult to stay on task. That’s why it’s important that you find practices that will help improve your focus over time. The Importance of Focus I once […]

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