Workplace distractions can be the worst! One minute you’re focused in on something important and the next, you’re checking your Facebook notifications or watching a YouTube video. Nearly 3 out of 4 workers admit them feel distracted at some point on the job and according to Inc, lost efficiency due to distractions is costing companies millions. It’s […]
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Deanna Ritchie
Business Tips, Calendar, Productivity, Schedule, Time Management
Thursday, October 11th, 2018
There is only so much an individual can do in a day. We’ve all heard it a zillion times. There are only so many hours in a day — and we all have the same amount. For this reason alone — you must have a calendar — and for this reason alone — you must […]
Running a business requires a ton of work. You’ll likely put in long hours and manage what seems like a never-ending to-do list even if it grants you some amazing results. If you don’t want to get stuck working 24/7, because that can literally happen even if you love your business, you’ll need to find […]
One morning last week I woke-up feeling “blah.” I wasn’t sick. I’m not fighting with anyone — and wasn’t last week either. Business is good. So, why was I in a funk? I can’t pinpoint the exact reason. But, there are wide-variety of reasons why people get depressed — or “the blues.” How to Channel […]
No matter what kind of work you do, it’s important to do the best job possible. To make that happen, you’ll need a good attitude so that negativity doesn’t rub off on others you deal with. Of course there’s more to it than attitude in order to be good at what you do. You need […]
Close your eyes for a second. What do you hear? Birds chirping, cars zooming down your street, your kids playing outside? “Silence is a true friend who never betrays.” — Confucius. No matter how hard you’re tried to create a quiet and productive workplace, chances are there’s always some sort of noise filling your ears. […]
Whether you own a business or work for someone else who does, there are sometime bumps in the road. If one of those bumps is a decrease in productivity you may wonder how to correct it. Some managers and business owners prefer to inspire their workers by example. Others would rather give inspirational speeches to […]
To be successful, cultivate the right habits to maximize your productivity and help you achieve great things. Getting in the routine of doing certain things like visualizing success and learning from your mistakes can help you be more productive both in the short and long-run. Some of the most successful people today do certain things […]
Do you feel like you aren’t as productive and focused as you should be? Have you been killing your productivity? Instead of searching for the latest productivity hack, evaluate your existing habits. You may discover that you don’t need to try out something new or different — you may actually need to tweak existing habits […]
According to a survey conducted by CPL, 33 percent of companies ignore online reviews. One of the main reasons for this is a debilitating fear of negative feedback. Because of this, they try to remove negative reviews or bury them within their positive reviews. That’s not exactly a great strategy when you’re looking to grow […]