Setting a New Year’s resolution is easy—the tricky part is keeping your New Year’s Resolutions. In fact, a majority of people don’t keep up with their goals for an entire year. According to a study by the University of Scranton, only 77 percent of people stick to their resolutions after only a week after setting […]
As the engine of customer, revenue, and profitability, productivity drives success. Check out these hacks and tips to accelerate how much you achieve each day.- Home
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From working out to reading the news and meditating, your early morning routine is a sacred time that can, and should, be spent doing things for yourself. Because once the workday begins, you hit the grind, and by the end of the day, who knows if you’ll have any time for yourself. A majority of […]
Rose Leadem
Business Tips, Calendar, Meetings, Productivity, Time Management
Friday, December 21st, 2018
Sometimes it doesn’t feel like there aren’t enough hours in the day to get everything done. However if you want to truly be successful, you’ve got to have a solid grasp on your time and make use of every single minute of your day. Here are 6 TED talks on time management that should help you […]
It’s been estimated that over 35 million Americans move each year. I was one of these people. While I’ve moved many times before, this was a little more difficult. Moving means taking care of all of the “moving fun,” like packing, purging, loading up items in a truck, unloading the truck, and unpacking. It can […]
According to the National Sleep Foundation, adults should get seven to nine hours of sleep every night. And dropping below that can have serious consequences. In fact, research shows that a lack of sleep can lead to a number of problems, both mentally and physically. From decreased job performance to burnout and weight gain, nothing […]
Procrastination is something that most people have faced at some point in their lives. For some reason, we as humans struggle to avoid things that are unpleasant. We delay the inevitable, especially when it’s unpalatable. And we even do the same procrastination techniques when there is an issue or event that is really important to […]
Having confidence isn’t always easy. Whether it’s confidence in social situations or how to boost your confidence at work — self-esteem affects nearly every aspect of a person’s life. That’s why it’s incredibly important to figure out ways to boost and keep your confidence high. Luckily, confidence is something that can be built up and […]
The end of the year can be an extremely busy time for businesses. While you may be scrambling to hit deadlines, market holiday sales, and fulfill orders, you also may want to reflect on your business’ goals and progress over the past year. But, you’ll want to get organized in your business before the new year. While […]
Setting goals is a fairly easy task. However, actually completing these goals is another thing altogether. Then there are all of the suggestions you receive from well-meaning individuals — practically everyday. But one way to discover what is really important today is to see what an athlete would tell you. An athlete would tell you […]
In addition to landing an actual interview, one of the most difficult aspects of job seeking is the interview process. You need to prepare for a job interview. Talking about yourself, asking the right questions, saying the right things. Interviews are never easy. Unfortunately, they don’t get easier however they can get less stressful. Properly […]