The Best Ways to Reduce Stress and Anxiety

The Best Ways to Reduce Stress and Anxiety

At some point, even the most relaxed and chilliest person experiences stress and anxiety. It’s just a part of life and can often be managed relatively. But, what about the nagging stress and anxiety that never leaves you alone? There is much written nowadays about stress and anxiety, and thankfully, stress is finally being mentioned […]

Are You More Productive Working at Home?

Are You More Productive Working at Home?

What do Amazon, Disney, Microsoft, Apple, Google, Hewlett-Packards, Spanx, and Under Armor all have in common? If you guessed that they’re all billion-dollar companies, you wouldn’t be wrong. But, the answer I was looking for was that they all began as a home business. Are you more productive working at home? Thanks to technology, however, […]

The Pros and Cons of Unlimited Vacation


Sunday, October 6th, 2019

The Pros and Cons of Unlimited Vacation

Over the last couple of years, you’ve heard all about companies offering their employees unlimited vacation or paid-time-off. On the surface, this practice sounds fantastic. Who wouldn’t want to work with for a company that provided such a perk for their people — especially considering that we’re in a burn out epidemic. Have you considered […]

How to Manage Time

Productivity, Time Management

Tuesday, October 1st, 2019

How to Manage Time

Time. It’s without question our most valuable resource. Yet, so many of us take it for granted. Even worse, a majority of us waste time on unproductive and senseless activities — whether at home or work. For some, they may be happy draining this precious resource. But, for the rest of us, we strive for […]

Flow State of Mind: What it is and How to Achieve It


Tuesday, October 1st, 2019

Flow State of Mind: What it is and How to Achieve It

When I woke up this morning, I had every intention to crank this article out first thing. Unfortunately, that didn’t happen. It’s not because I was procrastinating. I couldn’t “get into the zone.” The “zone,” or flow, is something that whether or not we realize it is something we all want to achieve. But, what […]

Lack of Sleep is Destroying Your Productivity


Monday, September 30th, 2019

Lack of Sleep is Destroying Your Productivity

Why is sleep only a priority when we have something significant planned the next day? It could be because you have to catch an early flight in the morning or you have a meeting with your team or investors. Regardless of what exactly is going on, we make it a point to catch plenty of […]

10 Office Design Tips That Will Boost Employee Productivity


Thursday, September 26th, 2019

10 Office Design Tips That Will Boost Employee Productivity

It shouldn’t come as a surprise, but the workplace can directly impact your productivity. Check to see if the layout is inefficient in your office or if it encourages distracting and unhealthy habits. You’ll want to improve productivity at your office, and business productivity takes a leap when the design of your office is taken […]

Common Workplace Conflicts

Business Tips, Productivity

Wednesday, September 25th, 2019

Common Workplace Conflicts

In a perfect world, your workplace and business operations wouldn’t just be effective. They would also run smoothly and drama free. Unfortunately, in the real world, this doesn’t happen. There are always hurdles to overcome, such as unavoidable conflicts. To be fair, conflict isn’t always the worst thing that could happen at work. For example, […]

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