Why Highly Skilled People Always Use Time Blocking


Wednesday, January 15th, 2020

Why Highly Skilled People Always Use Time Blocking

Do you feel overwhelmed and continuously behind on your to-do-list? Don’t beat yourself over it. It’s happened to all of us at some point. But, the difference between the most productive, successful, and skilled people from the rest of us is that they have an ace up their sleeves. And, it’s called time blocking. But, […]

How Do You Prioritize Yourself?


Monday, January 13th, 2020

How Do You Prioritize Yourself?

Years ago I was having dinner with my parents. The phone rang. It was a friend in a panic. She was driving home and her car died. We later found out that her car had an oil leak. And, because she hadn’t put oil in it, the car obviously overheated and shut down. But how […]

Could a 4-day Work Week Work For You?

Productivity, Time Management

Thursday, January 9th, 2020

Could a 4-day Work Week Work For You?

Many of us probably feel like we don’t have enough time during the week to get everything done. When it comes to working, the typical 5-day 40-hour work week has been the standard for the longest time. For many entrepreneurs, they find themselves working 6 or 7 days regularly just to keep up with all […]

15 Ways To Kick-Start 2021


Saturday, January 4th, 2020

15 Ways To Kick-Start 2021

2023 was a great year for many, and also had some challenges. Every new year is a great time  And, like every other person in the world, I’m happy to be done with it. Here are 15 ways to kick-start 2024. How am I saying good riddance to this terrible, no-good of year? By trying […]

What Comes First in Your Life?


Saturday, January 4th, 2020

What Comes First in Your Life?

It’s really a shame. Life is so short, and your time so valuable. Yet, we waste it chasing temporary happiness and things that have no meaning. Maybe because in the daily rat race, we lose sight of what’s essential. Or, perhaps you’re just uncertain about what your priorities should be. Either way, here’s what should […]

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