Procrastination Means Managing Your Emotions, Not Your Time


Thursday, February 20th, 2020

Procrastination Means Managing Your Emotions, Not Your Time

Procrastination is something that we’ve all had to overcome at one point or another. And, while it can have negative effects like missing deadlines and fracturing relationships, procrastination is often misunderstood. There is a myth that says that delays are entirely your decision because you’re lazy. While sometimes, there are external factors that cause a […]

Sick? Here’s How You Can Still Get Stuff Done


Wednesday, February 19th, 2020

Sick? Here’s How You Can Still Get Stuff Done

In the last couple of weeks, around the Calendar office, people are dropping like flies with some kind of flu or something. And, if I’m frank, this is making me anxious. Like most of you — I don’t want to catch anything. It’s not so much feeling like garbage. It’s just that I have way […]

What are Your Top Productivity Strategies?


Monday, February 17th, 2020

What are Your Top Productivity Strategies?

When you think about it, most things in life are subjective. Your favorite color, food, band, or movie? They are your personal favorites — no matter what anyone else says. In other words, there’s no right or wrong answer. In a way, the same is true of productivity strategies. What makes a top productivity strategy […]

Diversify Your Life for Higher Achievement


Sunday, February 16th, 2020

Diversify Your Life for Higher Achievement

PIzza. It’s my favorite food. Of course, I try to limit my pizza intake. But, still. It’s my go-to comfort food. So, suffice to say, I’m pretty stoked about a new pizzeria opening up nearby. Here is how to diversity your life for higher achievement. What does achievement have to with diversification? Well, during my […]

5 Ways to Boost Productivity With Psychological Safety


Friday, February 14th, 2020

5 Ways to Boost Productivity With Psychological Safety

Take risks or stay safe? On paper, they’re opposites. But on a productive, high-performing team, the two concepts have to coexist. Productivity and high-performance exist together in a sweet spot that has a name: psychological safety. Here are five ways to boost productivity with psychological safety. Harvard Business School professor Amy Edmonson defines psychological safety […]

How to Use the 4 Hour Rule For Productivity


Wednesday, February 12th, 2020

How to Use the 4 Hour Rule For Productivity

We all each have the same 24 hours in a day, but there are so many different ways to determine how to use it. Many of us spend 8 hours per day working or adhere to a similar arrangement. Then there are other important responsibilities to focus on as well. If you’ve ever felt like […]

Plan to Handle Your Stress Better


Wednesday, February 12th, 2020

Plan to Handle Your Stress Better

We are a stressed-out nation. According to Gallup, 55 percent of Americans are stressed during the day. In case you’re curious, that’s 20 percent higher than the world average of 35 percent. Let’s all plan to handle our stress better this year. While we have our own reasons for being stressed-out, it could be work-related […]

5 Ways to Spring Clean Your Schedule Now

Calendar, Productivity

Tuesday, February 11th, 2020

5 Ways to Spring Clean Your Schedule Now

For many of us, the winter months are draining. Before we know it, our schedules are bogged down, and there doesn’t seem to be enough time in the day. On top of that, some people struggle with seasonal affective disorder, a type of mild depression that is common in the fall and winter months. Here […]

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