Taking Pride in Your Productivity Performance


Tuesday, July 14th, 2020

Taking Pride in Your Productivity Performance

What does pride mean to you? For some, that’s that feeling of accomplishment as they cross items off their to-do-lists or achieving their goals. Others may take pride in the fact that their performance has helped others in some way. Regardless of how you define pride, we should all strive to achieve a great feeling […]

Accelerate Your Positive Impact


Sunday, July 12th, 2020

Accelerate Your Positive Impact

“Be the change you wish to see in the world.” You’re probably familiar with this famous Mahatma Gandhi quote. But, that’s because it speaks volumes. After all, one person does have the power to change the world. And, when you do, you’ll improve your well-being, forge stronger bonds, and improve your community — even if […]

How to Structure Your Day When Working from Home


Thursday, July 9th, 2020

How to Structure Your Day When Working from Home

Up until recently, working from home was almost taboo. It was a luxury. Only a small percentage of very trusted people and freelancer’s enjoyed this freedom. But, the worldwide COVID epidemic has made the old luxury — the new normal for thousands of people. Here is how to structure your day when working from home. […]

Snapping Out of the Laziness Loop


Wednesday, July 8th, 2020

Snapping Out of the Laziness Loop

The other morning I woke up with a not-so-productive mentality. I’d even go as to say that my mantra was, “I’m not doing squat.” That’s usually not my bag. On this particular morning, however, I just felt lethargic. Was it because I was in a slump or just being trapped in a laziness loop? After […]

Stop Worrying About Being Productive


Tuesday, July 7th, 2020

Stop Worrying About Being Productive

It may seem like a recent phenomenon. But, throughout time, we’ve been fixated on productivity. I mean Benjamin Franklin recorded what is considered to be one of the first-ever to-do-lists back in 1791. Shortly after that, the Industrial Revolution completely changed everything. There were early forms of automation like the Cotton Gin. And, factory owners […]

Find a Way To Go On Vacation Post Haste


Friday, July 3rd, 2020

Find a Way To Go On Vacation Post Haste

Maybe it’s in my blood since my grandparents were exceptional globetrotters. But, I’ve always loved to travel. Getting to take in new sights and sounds, as well as have new experiences, is exhilarating. Additionally, it’s good for you physically and psychologically. It’s true. According to the American Psychological Association, research has found that vacations gave […]

Getting Stuff Done When the Kids are Home for Summer Vacation


Monday, June 29th, 2020

Getting Stuff Done When the Kids are Home for Summer Vacation

Growing up, my mom dreaded summers. Sure, she enjoyed taking off from work for our annual two-week vacation. But, overall, it was almost impossible for her to work and have us around the house all day. Some parents have managed the long summer vacations through summer-long camps or daily childcare. Of course, not everyone has […]

The Importance of Giving Up – to Soar


Thursday, June 25th, 2020

The Importance of Giving Up – to Soar

Way back in the day, I came home from little league. My mom asked me how it was. Without hesitation, I told her that I wanted to quit. She asked me why? I told her I was sick of the coach letting his son pitch because the son was so awful. Then, when the game […]

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