How Leaders Can Fight Back Against “Always On” Culture


Sunday, August 2nd, 2020

How Leaders Can Fight Back Against “Always On” Culture

I’m dragging today. The reason? A colleague sent me a text message in the middle of the night. Besides waking me up from a dead sleep, I tossed and turned all night as I kept thinking about work. Obviously, I’m not the only victim of “always-on” culture. How bad has it gotten? One survey found […]

Circadian Rhythm Hacks to Boost Your Productivity


Friday, July 31st, 2020

Circadian Rhythm Hacks to Boost Your Productivity

Have you ever experienced jetlag? Do you find yourself dragging in the afternoon? Are you finding that your workday is way too early for you in the winter? If you’ve answered yes to any of those, there’s an answer. Your circadian rhythm is thrown off. What exactly are circadian rhythms and why are they important? […]

How Your At-Home Habits Affect Work Productivity


Wednesday, July 29th, 2020

How Your At-Home Habits Affect Work Productivity

5.2 percent. That was the percent of the workforce in the U.S. who had the luxury of working from home in 2017. Of course, that was a different time (really a different world) and because of a global pandemic — that figure has ballooned. Megan Brenan wrote for Gallup on April 3, 2020, “The percentage […]

Are You More Productive Working From Home?


Sunday, July 26th, 2020

Are You More Productive Working From Home?

It’s a question that mankind as tried to answer for centuries. Are you more productive working from home? Your eyes aren’t playing tricks on you. The concept of remote work has been around for a very long.  With the COVID-19 mess we are asking this question more and more. Ask yourself — are you more […]

Productivity Journal vs. Time Trackers


Monday, July 20th, 2020

Productivity Journal vs. Time Trackers

Like many others, I’ve spent years on a productivity quest. That may sound hyperbolic. But, think about it. We’re constantly adjusting productivity strategies and experimenting with new hacks. Sometimes this works out, other times they don’t. And, that’s okay. Productivity is discovering what works best for you and being flexible enough to implement these changes. […]

Should I Take Some Classes?


Saturday, July 18th, 2020

Should I Take Some Classes?

How are you spending your downtime? Hopefully, you’re getting some R&R and spending time doing things that you enjoy, like quality time with the fam or engaging in a hobby. But, I hope you’re also fitting in the time for some self-improvement. Self-improvement, as defined by James Clear, “is the improvement of one’s knowledge, status, or […]

Don’t Just Work from Home: 15 Places to Work Remotely


Friday, July 17th, 2020

Don’t Just Work from Home: 15 Places to Work Remotely

Even before COVID-19 made remote work essential, the practice was already trending upward. Working from home and freelancing was anticipated that by 2028 73% of all departments will have remote workers. Here are fifteen places to work remotely. Besides helping to flatten the curve, remote workers are happier and more productive. Mainly because you don’t […]

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