It’s a question that mankind as tried to answer for centuries. Are you more productive working from home? Your eyes aren’t playing tricks on you. The concept of remote work has been around for a very long. With the COVID-19 mess we are asking this question more and more. Ask yourself — are you more […]
As the engine of customer, revenue, and profitability, productivity drives success. Check out these hacks and tips to accelerate how much you achieve each day.- Home
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Is work-life balance even real? I go back and forth on this a lot. On one end, life is always unexpected (no matter how well you plan, and can never truly be balanced. There will be some days and seasons of your life where you focus on certain things over others. Maybe you’re at a […]
Even small changes can be scary. To some employees, that includes transitioning to an online calendar. When introducing new technology to a team, there is always a challenge. There may be pushback from team members who prefer things the way they are. Others may simply be unwilling to learn at first. Here are six tips […]
Like many others, I’ve spent years on a productivity quest. That may sound hyperbolic. But, think about it. We’re constantly adjusting productivity strategies and experimenting with new hacks. Sometimes this works out, other times they don’t. And, that’s okay. Productivity is discovering what works best for you and being flexible enough to implement these changes. […]
How are you spending your downtime? Hopefully, you’re getting some R&R and spending time doing things that you enjoy, like quality time with the fam or engaging in a hobby. But, I hope you’re also fitting in the time for some self-improvement. Self-improvement, as defined by James Clear, “is the improvement of one’s knowledge, status, or […]
Even before COVID-19 made remote work essential, the practice was already trending upward. Working from home and freelancing was anticipated that by 2028 73% of all departments will have remote workers. Here are fifteen places to work remotely. Besides helping to flatten the curve, remote workers are happier and more productive. Mainly because you don’t […]
Are you overwhelmed by your email inbox? Is your email inbox clogged with dozens or even hundreds of emails? Are those emails a constant distraction for you? If you answered ‘yes’ to any of these questions, it’s probably time to start prioritizing how to regain control of your inbox and reclaim your time. Having an […]
What does pride mean to you? For some, that’s that feeling of accomplishment as they cross items off their to-do-lists or achieving their goals. Others may take pride in the fact that their performance has helped others in some way. Regardless of how you define pride, we should all strive to achieve a great feeling […]
“Be the change you wish to see in the world.” You’re probably familiar with this famous Mahatma Gandhi quote. But, that’s because it speaks volumes. After all, one person does have the power to change the world. And, when you do, you’ll improve your well-being, forge stronger bonds, and improve your community — even if […]
Up until recently, working from home was almost taboo. It was a luxury. Only a small percentage of very trusted people and freelancer’s enjoyed this freedom. But, the worldwide COVID epidemic has made the old luxury — the new normal for thousands of people. Here is how to structure your day when working from home. […]