Why Being SAD Affects Productivity


Monday, November 9th, 2020

Why Being SAD Affects Productivity

I’ll be completely upfront with you. I’m not a happy camper right now. As you’ve noticed, the days are getting shorter, the weather is cooling off, and we only have a limited amount of time before we’re stuck indoors. With everything we’ve all gone through in 2020 — maybe winter coming on just now somehow […]

9 Timeless Productivity Tips from Ancient Philosophers


Friday, November 6th, 2020

9 Timeless Productivity Tips from Ancient Philosophers

Productivity may seem like a more recent concept. But, the truth is, humanity has been interested in this topic throughout history. Case in point, the words of wisdom from the 9 ancient philosophers. Personally, they still ring true today just as they today centuries ago. 1. Start small but strong. “A journey of a thousand […]

10 Reasons Why it’s OK to be a Night Owl


Thursday, November 5th, 2020

10 Reasons Why it’s OK to be a Night Owl

The early bird catches the worm. I’m sure that you’ve heard that adage a million times. And, there is some truth to that. I used to think that if someone slept in — they were the worst slacker in the world. But — if we allow for differences in human beings — this may not […]

Is Working From Home Making You Miserable?


Tuesday, November 3rd, 2020

Is Working From Home Making You Miserable?

For years those who were fortunate enough to work remotely or work from home praised its benefits from the rooftops. In fact, numerous research backed-up these claims. For example, Owl Labs found in its 2019 State of Remote Work Report the following: 83% of survey respondents agree that the ability to work remotely would make […]

Information Overload is Killing Your Productivity


Monday, November 2nd, 2020

Information Overload is Killing Your Productivity

We’re in the midst of a pandemic. And, no. It’s not only the virus that has been changed in the world as we know it. I’m referring to something called information overload. To be honest, this shouldn’t be a surprise. We make per day between the 35,000 choices and being plugged in 24/7; we’re burning ourselves […]

Arrest These 12 Time and Productivity Thieves


Monday, October 26th, 2020

Arrest These 12 Time and Productivity Thieves

Because time is your most valuable commodity, you must protect it at all costs. Unfortunately, you can’t hire a personal bodyguard to do this for you. Instead, you’re the only defense between you and time thieves. Here is how to arrest these twelve time and productivity thieves. On the plus side, you can easily spot […]

25 Productive Hacks and Things to Curb Your Boredom


Monday, October 19th, 2020

25 Productive Hacks and Things to Curb Your Boredom

Last weekend was cool and rainy. I was ahead of my work, and I was trapped inside. Suffice to say; I got a little restless because I was bored with a capital B. Here’s the thing though, being a little bored is not always a terrible position to be in. Research shows that boredom has […]

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