While it was certainly an adjustment, overall, I felt like I came out of COVID-19 unscathed. I’m certainly not trying to brag. I was, and still am, fortunate to work from home when I need or want to — and most of our employees are able to do the same. I was really grateful for […]
As the engine of customer, revenue, and profitability, productivity drives success. Check out these hacks and tips to accelerate how much you achieve each day.- Home
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As the saying goes, “Nothing changes if nothing changes.” After all, if nothing changes, we stay neutral. And, that’s a problem. Growth becomes stagnant. It’s impossible for us to evolve. We don’t improve for the better. In short, this isn’t good for me, you, and quite frankly the world. But, can you actually train yourself […]
Are you experiencing “summer slacker syndrome?” Don’t beat yourself up over it. The warmer months of the year trigger this phenomenon — even among the most motivated individuals. Why does this happen? There are actually several reasons. For starters, we tend to be more tired during the summer because we’re acclimating to the heat, and […]
The morning routines of nearly every person have been turned upside down over the past year. As a consequence of lockdowns, self-isolation, working from home, and other family responsibilities, creating productive morning routines can seem like a difficult task. And, now that things are somewhat returning to normal, routines are shifting yet again. However, instead […]
I remember many years ago, when I was still considered a kid myself, hating the Staples “It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year” back-to-school commercial. It reminded me that the summer was coming to an end, which meant no more fun. Of course, my parents didn’t argue with the commercial — and totally related […]
I don’t know about you, but whenever the 4th of July rolls around each year, I can’t help but think about freedom. Thinking about all we have in this country to do with freedom makes sense since this is obviously when we celebrate our country’s independence. This Year Think About Your Freedom Mindset This year, […]
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you were able to juggle only one thing at a time? You know — if you didn’t have to always manage multiple projects? Remember in Covid when you were juggling homeschooling with your kids while you’re on a Zoom call? Now it’s summer and it’s dèjá vu — same scenario! […]
I’m an avid reader, but sometimes, I’m just not in the mood. With all of the Covid stress this last year, I noticed that I’ve listened to more and more audiobooks, even for pleasure reading. When I just listen, rather than a hard copy book reading, it’s like last week. I spent hours each day […]
I’m trying to be completely honest — I’m tired of writing, discussing, and thinking about working from home probably because most of us have been back in the office for months. The vaccine has made all of us feel a lot safer and we are grateful for that. However, despite the vaccine — many of […]
Since COVID has wound down a little — would you say that it’s easier or harder to keep yourself accountable? When I ask myself this — one time, I say “it’s easier” and another time, “it’s harder.” Are we just burned out? For example, we all know that losing weight and quitting bad habits like […]