When it comes to scheduling a meeting there are no shortage of options. You can us a meeting scheduler to set up a phone or Zoom call. Book a conference room. Or just plan to meet in an office or local coffee shop. If you really want to close a deal or hire that amazing […]
Just because meetings are a must of business doesn’t mean they have to be long and boring. Follow these tips for creating, scheduling, and managing a productive meeting process that every team member can enjoy.- Home
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When done effectively meetings can be a major asset to organizations. It’s where better decisions are made, goals are aligned, conflicts are resolved, and team members realize how their importance. But, when done incorrectly, meetings can be unproductive and a serious waste of time and money. To make sure that your meetings are effective, productive, […]
At Calendar we have a fully remote team. They have been outstanding. We don’t need to invest in a large office. Team members set their own schedules. Thanks to email, Slack, Skype, GoToMeeting, and FaceTime everyone can quickly and easily communicate with each other. There’s even telepresence robots to make you feel like you’re actually […]
We spend a lot of time in meetings. In fact, Americans alone hold a whooping 11 million meetings per day. That comes out to 55 million meetings per week and 220 million meetings per year. The problem, however, is that many meetings are unproductive. That’s because attendees are multitasking, daydreaming, or dozing off. That’s wasting both […]
Rose Leadem
Business Tips, Calendar, Meetings, Productivity, Time Management
Friday, December 21st, 2018
Sometimes it doesn’t feel like there aren’t enough hours in the day to get everything done. However if you want to truly be successful, you’ve got to have a solid grasp on your time and make use of every single minute of your day. Here are 6 TED talks on time management that should help you […]
I’m not anti-meeting but as a freelancer, my bread and butter lies in my ability to be able to complete projects. In order to complete projects and get paid, I need to have time to work on them. That said, I also need to make sure I’m understanding my role and have great communication with clients. […]
Even though the meeting was scheduled for 30-minutes it ended being closer to two hours long. For starters, it began five-minutes late. There was no clear purpose. Because there was no one to facilitate the meeting, the meeting dragged on and on. Worst of all? Because it started at noon, you missed lunch and are […]
Meetings are a regular fare in any workplace. They can range from small-group types to inter-departmental ones — even going further to include external parties (such as clients, suppliers, etc). No matter how big or small the attendance, planning and scheduling a meeting requires a lot of organizational skills. After all, rounding up a number of […]
Even if you’re not working remotely full-time, a whooping 70 percent of people around the world work remotely at least once a week. This means that even if you’re in proximity to your colleagues, there may be days when the meeting doesn’t take place in a conference room. This is where virtual meeting etiquette becomes […]
In 2017, the average employee spent 31 hours in unproductive meetings. What’s worse, 47% of those employees say that meetings are the ultimate waste of time. Plus, 91% of them said they daydream during meetings instead of collaborating and working together. It seems that not many people know how to have an effective meeting that […]