8 Myths About Freelancing That Could Prevent Your Personal Growth


Saturday, May 18th, 2019

8 Myths About Freelancing That Could Prevent Your Personal Growth

There are a lot of myths about freelancing in America. A lot of this could prevent you for your personal growth. According to the freelancer data, there are more than 57 million people freelancing. That’s currently 36 percent of the workforce — and it’s expected that freelancers will make-up a majority of the workforce by 2027. […]

11 Time Management Tips for Freelancers


Thursday, May 2nd, 2019

11 Time Management Tips for Freelancers

As a freelancer, time management is one of the most important skills that you need to develop. If you aren’t properly managing your time — then you’re not going to earn as much money. Time management tips are great, but without time management tips for freelancers specifically, freelancers may not be as effective. Are you […]

The 10 Best Ways to Keep Your Contractors Productive


Saturday, March 30th, 2019

The 10 Best Ways to Keep Your Contractors Productive

There was a time not that long ago that freelancing wasn’t taken seriously as a viable career decision. The prediction is that within the next decade a majority of the U.S. workforce will be composed of freelancers. It’s obvious that freelancing has now become a very serious career choice. This information shouldn’t be all that surprising […]

The New Dream Team: Building a Successful Team of Freelancers


Friday, March 22nd, 2019

The New Dream Team: Building a Successful Team of Freelancers

57.3 million people. That’s how many freelancers there are in the U.S. However, by 2017, it’s expected that the majority of the workforce will be made-up of freelancers. In fact, 47 percent of millennials are already freelancing. That’s all well and good. But, how does this large percentage of worker becoming freelancers impact you as […]

How and When to Say No to a Freelance Client (Guiltless Tips)


Thursday, December 20th, 2018

How and When to Say No to a Freelance Client (Guiltless Tips)

If you’re a freelancer and you’re considering turning down potential clients and projects, first I want to say congrats. Freelancing can seem like a rollercoaster as your workload can often fluctuate. This makes it difficult to predict the future or determine whether you’re at a place in your career where you can actually say no […]

8 Ways Freelancers Can Stay Productive When Moving

Freelancer, Productivity

Tuesday, December 18th, 2018

8 Ways Freelancers Can Stay Productive When Moving

It’s been estimated that over 35 million Americans move each year. I was one of these people. While I’ve moved many times before, this was a little more difficult. Moving means taking care of all of the “moving fun,” like packing, purging, loading up items in a truck, unloading the truck, and unpacking. It can […]

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