When you are slated with the task of finding ways to increase revenue for you and your team — think “schedule.” How do you schedule your team for revenue increases? To build great revenue increases — the whole team has to rise together. What you are building is a team that can consistently regenerate itself […]
A calendar does more than tell you about your meetings, appointments, and deadlines; it’s the roadmap for your success. Learn more about how to make your calendar work better for you as a strategy document with these blog posts.- Home
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Whether you are a manager over a lot of people or only a handful — you want to be the best you can be. One way to assure excellence in management is to keep-up on building a system of management for yourself. This means finding out how to be a better manager of yourself. Sure you […]
Most people learn pretty early-on that they can’t keep everything in their lives perfect. To be mentally healthy — you have to let some issues in your life go. If you miss an event — or the food isn’t perfect — it’s okay. Then the kid comes along. You should never miss your kids events. […]
The word “scared” is such a “low hanging fruit” word to use anytime — either at home or in business. However, sometimes that is the only word that can be pulled out of your vocabulary hat at the time. “Frustrated,” is a better PC word, yet gives an accurate portrayal of the emotion behind the […]
Deanna Ritchie
Business Tips, Calendar, Productivity, Schedule, Time Management
Thursday, October 11th, 2018
There is only so much an individual can do in a day. We’ve all heard it a zillion times. There are only so many hours in a day — and we all have the same amount. For this reason alone — you must have a calendar — and for this reason alone — you must […]
One morning last week I woke-up feeling “blah.” I wasn’t sick. I’m not fighting with anyone — and wasn’t last week either. Business is good. So, why was I in a funk? I can’t pinpoint the exact reason. But, there are wide-variety of reasons why people get depressed — or “the blues.” How to Channel […]
Lots of people these days use online calendars, me included. The reason is that they have many advantages over paper calendars that I love. For instance, my calendar is in an app on my phone so that I can easily take it with me. Rather than carrying something bulky, it weighs nothing but goes everywhere […]
If you’re like me, you’re probably frequently adding and editing events and tasks in your calendar. But, did you know that you can speed up that process by learning some handy shortcuts? Personally, if there is one shortcut that you absolutely have to learn, it’s the shortcut for adding events. This way you can schedule […]
Have you ever spent an entire workday on calls only to feel like you accomplished very little at the end of the day? Meetings and calls don’t always fall perfectly in line with a productive work week. However, scheduling the right type of calls can help your business get ahead in so many ways. I […]
I recently had one of those weeks when I had a lot on my plate. My business is growing rapidly and getting a lot of attention. While this is awesome, I’m realizing I need help better organizing my schedule for this busy time. If you’re also experiencing this in your own life, it’s likely you […]