How an iPhone Can Skyrocket Your Productivity

Calendar, Productivity

Wednesday, September 4th, 2024

How an iPhone Can Skyrocket Your Productivity

When your business is doing well, but you feel like you could do better, finding the right tools to skyrocket your productivity isn’t as easy as it looks. Sometimes, tools can get in the way and make you even less productive, especially when they aren’t user-friendly and the learning curve is steep. However, some tools […]

The Untaken Vacation: Why Americans Don’t Take Time Off and How to Change It

The Untaken Vacation: Why Americans Don’t Take Time Off and How to Change It

How do you view the stereotypical American worker? Many believe it to be tireless dedication, burning the midnight oil, and sacrificing leisure to advance their careers. This is partially true. We in the U.S. are notorious for leaving unused vacation days compared to other developed nations. Expedia calls this “vacation deprivation,” which has significant consequences […]

The Ten Basic Time Management Skills Every Landlord and Property Manager Should Practice

The Ten Basic Time Management Skills Every Landlord and Property Manager Should Practice

In the property market, time is of the essence, and for landlords and property managers, not having enough time can mean the difference between saving money or losing valuable income on mundane activities and tasks. By some estimates, landlords and property managers spend roughly four hours per month on maintenance and repairs per property. On […]

How Hunting and Fishing Enthusiasts Can Make the Most of the Outdoor Recreation Seasons

Business Tips, Calendar, Schedule

Saturday, August 3rd, 2024

How Hunting and Fishing Enthusiasts Can Make the Most of the Outdoor Recreation Seasons

There’s nothing better than the great outdoors for a hunting and fishing enthusiast. Many even plan their whole year around their favorite recreational season. Missing out on an opportunity to get outdoors for hunting and fishing can be downright upsetting. Don’t let this year’s seasons pass you by! Start planning now and have your time […]

Your Calendar: A Powerful Tool for Employee Feedback


Thursday, August 1st, 2024

Your Calendar: A Powerful Tool for Employee Feedback

A thriving workplace depends on effective employee feedback. It boosts employee engagement, promotes growth, and improves performance. In fact, according to 96% of employees, regular feedback is beneficial. Moreover, employees who receive regular praise and recognition are 10-20% more productive. Additionally, regular feedback can lead to 3.6 times more engagement among colleagues and employees. Moreover, regular feedback correlates […]

How to Use Your Calendar for Implementing an Open-Door Policy

Business Tips, Calendar

Tuesday, July 30th, 2024

How to Use Your Calendar for Implementing an Open-Door Policy

Having an open-door policy is one of the cornerstones of effective leadership. After all, it fosters trust, improves communication, and boosts morale among employees. In fact, 63.2% of respondents to an AllVoices survey said their workplace has an open-door policy. Open doors, however, can quickly become overwhelming without a structured approach. Perhaps that’s why 19.1% […]

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