Whether you’re an aspiring entrepreneur or an established business owner, there is always more to learn when it comes to running a business, being a leader, and having a winning mindset. From books to podcasts and social media channels, there are several resources available today to help you get there. One of these great tools […]
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Many founders love to compete on who gets the fewest hours of sleep, who works the longest and who takes the most infrequent vacations. This toxic attitude about time is not only unhealthy but unproductive. Here are some ideas about how to break your bad time management habits. Americans are especially bad about working long […]
The quickest path toward wealth is to lead a successful company. Millionaires who “make it” in the business world know plenty about what matters and what doesn’t when it comes to professional success. The people who understand when to double down and when to relent are the people most likely to enjoy long and lucrative […]
Job hunting can be a long and tedious process that can be difficult to find time for on your Calendar. Especially if you want to land a job that compensates you well, provides a schedule you can live with, and allows you to enjoy your job. It can be challenging to find a job that […]
In some ways, freelancing can seem like a battle happening within your Calendar. As a freelancer, you have a million things to do, and your Calendar dictates that you only have a certain amount of time to accomplish all of your freelancing goals. It can be challenging to find the time to freelance successfully. Try […]
Remote work is becoming increasingly popular. That said, many businesses are transitioning to having remote teams. Having remote team members can be helpful because everyone can work flexibly and you likely won’t have to pay for an office and amenities. However, if you think all you need is a Slack channel to manage your remote […]
It is no secret that many of us feel better after some time outside. Whether it is the fresh air or the change of scenery, taking a quick walk outside can usually help to improve our mood. It can be challenging to add outside time to your Calendar on a regular basis. Although many of […]
Regardless if you and your entire team are considered workaholics, it’s just not possible for anyone to be “on” 24/7. That doesn’t mean that you’re not hard-working, passionate, or motivated. It means that everyone needs to have time away from work. You can become stressed and burned out, which is never good for creativity and […]
I finally bit the bullet and joined a coworking space this summer. I had toured a space about a year ago and stayed on their email list to receive updates from time to time. They did some brilliant email marketing and sold me on the idea of getting a membership under their ‘Summer Sanity’ promotion. […]
When was the last time you really looked at your calendar. Was it clear and organized? Or did it resemble more of a jigsaw puzzle of overlapping appointments and meetings? We need to make a lean and mean calendar. If it was the latter, then you have some work to do. After all, keeping your […]