How Smart Scheduling Can Curb Burnout at Work

Business Tips

Tuesday, November 16th, 2021

How Smart Scheduling Can Curb Burnout at Work

Feeling as if work stress has become an indispensable part of your routine? Well, you might say, “Since when was it not?” but if stress is depriving you of your mental peace, upending your sleep cycle, and leaving you exhausted even on weekends — it’s a significant clue telling you your stress is turning into […]

Focus Your Time Before it Masters You

Business Tips

Monday, November 15th, 2021

Focus Your Time Before it Masters You

Leaders should learn how to manage stress and time more effectively. There is never enough time to do everything without focus. The United States has a new president, and Pfizer unveils a promising candidate for a vaccine. However, leaders have an opportunity to use this time to be more agile, find more focus, to prepare […]

Parental Time Management Hacks that Work

Business Tips

Sunday, November 14th, 2021

Parental Time Management Hacks that Work

Parents who work full-time provide a little magic and grace throughout the day. The Covid-19 pandemic punishes working parents. Parents who work full-time are the best people to provide a little magic and grace throughout the day to their own children — But don’t underestimate the care they take with your team, either. Parental Time […]

Six Tips to Secure Mobile Devices in Your Organization

Business Tips

Saturday, November 13th, 2021

Six Tips to Secure Mobile Devices in Your Organization

Mobile technology can be an excellent tool for productivity and convenience, but it also poses security threats. So be aware and watchful. Smartphones are all around us, and people use them for work every day. Mobile technology can be an excellent tool for productivity and convenience, but it also poses security threats. CheckPoint’s Mobile Security […]

Is the Office Always this Distracting?

Business Tips

Friday, November 12th, 2021

Is the Office Always this Distracting?

In the office again. How do you complete any work? There are meetings in person and difficult Zoom calls that are clogging up your calendar. It’s your commute that has consumed the time you once used to sift through your inbox. And everyone is eager to greet you. Is the Office Always this Distracting? “There’s […]

7 Tips for Managing Holiday Stress and S.A.D.

Business Tips

Thursday, November 11th, 2021

7 Tips for Managing Holiday Stress and S.A.D.

This is the year for you to relax a little more and enjoy all of the varied joys that can be had during the holiday season. The points of importance: Let go of certain social expectations. Letting go of expectations may give you the chance to redefine celebrations more in line with your own true […]

5 Ways Your Online Calendar Can Smooth Daylight Saving Transitions

Business Tips

Sunday, November 7th, 2021

5 Ways Your Online Calendar Can Smooth Daylight Saving Transitions

Every year during the Daylight savings transition, clocks are rolled back and Americans confused. Here’s how it can be a smoother transition. This annual tradition has baffled many Americans who question the system and its purpose. Regardless, everyone needs to make adjustments to keep up with the time change. To understand daylight saving time, you […]

Procrastination for Fun and Profit (when you get around to it)

Business Tips

Friday, November 5th, 2021

Procrastination for Fun and Profit (when you get around to it)

Procrastination has gotten a bad rap. It has been called the thief of time. But the truth is that this delightful habit benefits all. Procrastination, or the delights of dawdling, is a very interesting and exciting subject. I will be happy to explain that sentence to you, in detail, at some later date. Time is […]

6 Ways Virtual Sellers Can Stand Out On LinkedIn

Business Tips

Wednesday, November 3rd, 2021

6 Ways Virtual Sellers Can Stand Out On LinkedIn

Countless industries have been upended since the pandemic, and this is even more so the case when it comes to the sales industry. In fact, it may be one of the professions that is facing some of the most extreme changes given its prior reliance on face-to-face interactions. And yet, research from HubSpot shows that […]

Entrepreneurs Seem to Be Naturally More Productive

Business Tips

Wednesday, November 3rd, 2021

Entrepreneurs Seem to Be Naturally More Productive

Being an entrepreneur isn’t for the faint of heart. While it’s true that there’s some luck involved, not only do you need a big idea, you also have to have the courage and tenacity to see it through. As a result, this means putting in long days for little to show for it. It’s because […]

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