When most people hear the word “budget” they think of their finances. It makes sense because money is a resource that needs to be managed. However, your time is a resource too. In fact, I would argue your time is even more valuable because you can’t get it back. That’s why it’s important that you […]
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Managing and maximizing your time is no easy task. However, who better to turn to than some of today’s most successful people for guidance. By taking a look at some of the tips and tricks that people like Jeff Bezos and Warren Buffett have come up with, your one step closer to better time management […]
A business is nothing without the employees who grind day in and day out to make it run. As the business owner, or manager, you need to show your team how much you appreciate their hard work. When you reward your employees for their efforts, it will also lead to increased productivity and motivation. Especially […]
I love being productive during weekends. In fact, some of my best work is a result of working weekends instead of waiting until Monday. The problem is there are several distractions on weekends – especially if you live in a bustling city. Because I’ve been working seemingly weird hours for years, I often get asked […]
Entrepreneurship can be a rewarding experience, but it can also require a ton of time, motivation, sacrifice, and energy. This often leads to burnouts. I’ve faced multiple burnouts as an entrepreneur and I’ve become pretty aware of the warning signs. If you feel like you’re running on empty, worrying too much or having anxiety breakdowns, […]
Every business owners wants their company to grow each year. Pretty obvious right. While it is definitely obvious, you’d be surprised how many businesses fail to identify growth opportunities for their company. Do you hire more employees? Offer new products? Spend more on marketing? There is no single answer to growth. However, there is always […]
Let’s be real. Sometimes, your personal life can wreak havoc on your business. As much as we try to keep personal and business separate, we’re human. The problem is when the issues in our personal lives affect our productivity. In recent weeks, I’ve engaged in multiple conversations with business owners who have all been dealing […]
As a leader, it can be easy to let the morale of an office slip away. However, to get it back, it’s not as hard as you think. And if one thing’s for certain it’s that happy employees translate to a more productive work environment, and thus, a thriving business. The core of every business […]
If you’re naturally organized around your schedule, kudos to you. If you’re someone who struggles with an unorganized schedule, don’t worry – you’re not alone. Taming your schedule requires focus, and you truly need to commit to a process that works for you. That said, you need to try different strategies in order to find […]
Regardless what job you have, there always seems to be too few hours in the day. What’s the result? You constantly feel like you’re behind. That feeling is bad for productivity, morale, and honestly your health. So what’s the answer? Sure you can work longer hours but that’s not always the best solution. Bob Sullivan […]