When I became my own boss I was thrilled that I could set my own hours and work on whatever I felt like working on. In the beginning, this may have worked. I was wasting time and falling for time management myths like multi-tasking and focusing on being “busy.” After my epiphany, I realized that the […]
Unfortunately, we have all sat through meetings that did not accomplish anything. Many of us probably have one or two of these time-wasting meetings on our Calendar. At present, many of our calendars are filled with unproductive meetings, and here are 25 ways to make your meetings less productive. We know the low productivity meeting […]
Unlike your trusted wall or desktop calendar that’s always within your view, an online calendar can be spread across various sites and devices. To make things even a bit more complicated, some calendars are hiding out somewhere within a suite of tools. While finding these calendars isn’t overly complicated, it’s undoubtedly possible that you can […]
Whether you’re helping a co-worker, volunteering, or lending your best friend a hand, helping others with their projects feels pretty amazing. That’s because when you donate to a charity, for example, the mesolimbic system of the brain — which is responsible for feelings of reward — is triggered. Your brain also releases feel-good chemicals that […]
As a freelancer, you need copious amounts of discipline and focus. But as someone who naturally finds it challenging to stay on-task, is it possible to develop the right rhythms and processes to carve out a successful career? Having a distraction free workplace as a freelancer may seem impossible. Today we will teach you how […]
The internet has lowered the threshold for entrepreneurship and removed many of the barriers to entry that previously existed in certain markets. This has led to an influx of new ventures in certain industries, leaving crowded spaces with lots of unique challenges. Chief among them is the challenge of increasing exposure for your brand. Why […]
Several years ago I remember reading that Lorraine Twohill, the head of marketing at Google, has 20 meetings a day. If I was drinking something I would have spit it out like a clichéd cartoon character. After all, that just sounds impossible. However, I’ve learned since then that this is feasible as long as stop […]
I’ve been staring at this screen for what seems like an hour. Instead of cranking out this article, I check the lineup for my fantasy baseball team, started reading a Teddy Roosevelt biography, watched a couple of Ted Ed videos, and now, I’m looking out the window. Yeah. I’m wasting a lot of time right […]
Most offices are inherently unproductive, or at least aren’t achieving their full productive potential. This isn’t the fault of any one person, nor is it immediately noticeable. In fact, many office managers and entrepreneurs believe their office is running smoothly. When in fact, many hours are being wasted on unproductive tasks. Time is your most […]
Since the beginning of my entrepreneurial pursuits, I’ve used social media to gain a following for both my personal brand and the startups I’ve developed. The investment of time in developing your social media presence can be all-consuming, even with great tools and automation. However, the return is well worth it in the form of […]
Max Palmer
I'm Max, and I love helping businesses we work with expand their businesses online. Growth potential is what we strive for! I help with press, productivity and overall business needs for business owners.