Will a Four-Day Work Week Produce Greater Productivity?

Business Tips, Productivity

Tuesday, December 3rd, 2019

Will a Four-Day Work Week Produce Greater Productivity?

Companies continue to tout the importance of work-life balance for their talent. They acknowledge that workers need rest and relaxation. However, wanting to create this balance and actually achieving it are two very different things. That’s because the process for striking this ideal balance with available time has proved elusive. However, Microsoft Japan may have […]

Why Leaders Need to Embrace Transparency

Business Tips

Friday, November 15th, 2019

Why Leaders Need to Embrace Transparency

One of the most important goals you should have as a leader is to be able to unleash your employee’s full potential. And while there are many ways to accomplish this, workplace transparency is often the most effective. Workplace transparency makes everyone feel valued. Transparency encourages employees to step outside of their comfort zones and […]

12 Ways to Avoid Self-Sabotaging Your Productivity


Tuesday, November 5th, 2019

12 Ways to Avoid Self-Sabotaging Your Productivity

I don’t think that’s it’s always deliberate. But, when it comes to productivity, we’re sometimes our own worst enemy. For example, you did your due diligence by adding your most important tasks to your calendar. But, you didn’t schedule them around when you’re most productive. Here are 12 ways to avoid self-sabotaging your productivity. That […]

How to Find the Time for Mentoring

Time Management

Friday, November 1st, 2019

How to Find the Time for Mentoring

Mentoring may not always be at the top of your mind. But, scheduling free time isn’t a luxury, it’s necessary. After all, taking a break from your grueling schedule makes you happier, encourages self-care, boosts your creativity, and gives you something to look forward to. Most importantly, when you find time for mentoring, you choose […]

6 Ways to Identify to Whom You’ll Delegate Sensitive Tasks

Business Tips

Thursday, October 24th, 2019

6 Ways to Identify to Whom You’ll Delegate Sensitive Tasks

Mastering the art of delegation is a skill everyone should learn to master. I know that giving up control is never easy. But, admit it, Tiger. You just can’t do everything on your own. Besides, when you learn how to effectively delegate, you’re able to lessen your workload. As a result, you have more time […]

Be Proactive, Not Reactive with Your Time

Time Management

Tuesday, October 15th, 2019

Be Proactive, Not Reactive with Your Time

I recently had to leave town for an important meeting. Instead of flying, I decided to make a little road trip out of the event. As long as I can listen to music and roll down the windows, I actually get a kick out of driving. And, if there are no mishaps along the way, […]

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