It happens every year as the weather gets warmer — employee productivity comes to a screeching halt. Employee productivity taking a slight dive at the beginning of summer isn’t breaking news. Business owners have noticed this trend for years. It’s said that when agencies in New York realized that employee productivity decreased in the summer, […]
Table of Contents What is an Appointment App? Benefits of Using an Appointment App What to Look For in an Appointment App Overview of Best Appointment Apps Appointment Calendar 10to8 VueMinder Setmore Grapple CalendarWiz Evie Square Appointments Bookeo Are appointment apps and calendar software a necessity? They are if you want to schedule and track appointments, […]
As you’re all well aware, the world is going through a pandemic. As a result, people are anxious, frightened, and suffering. And, they’re looking for answers on how this crisis is affecting them and when things can go back to “normal.” Here are a few suggestions about leading with empathy from home. Recently, I returned […]
As a parent, there’s a two-letter word that drives you wild whenever you ask your kids to do something. And that word is the dreaded “no.” Anyone with young kids will relate to the beginnings of the “no” word at about two years old. But here is how you can reclaim your time by learning […]
A calendar provides a visual for the short-term (day and week view) and long-term (month to month) so you can stay on top of everything in your business and personal life. That means meetings, projects and deadlines, appointments, special occasions, and important to-do’s. If you have a spouse, you may need to note joint events […]
Table of Contents Best Calendar Apps For Freelancers Calendar Fantastical 2 Vantage Cal Google Calendar Awesome Calendar Calendars 5 Week Calendar and Cally Pocket Informant Peek Calendar Tiny Calendar Calvetica Evie miCal If you are a freelancer, then you know the challenge of working in many different places. It used to be that there weren’t […]
Like so many of you, it’s been a challenge as of late. I’ve been trying to put on a strong face with the COVID-19 going on — but, internally, I’m a little anxious. I’m concerned about the health and welfare of my family, friends, employees, and I’m trying to enhance my business savvy. But, recently, […]
There have always been plenty of ways to increase your productivity. The key here, is that the information about productivity is always changing. You can’t pick one productive way that fits you — and then never read another article or study about productivity. There will always be another app. You can use hacks like the […]
Whether you call them your golden hours or peak productive work time, or biological prime times, these are when we have the most concentration and energy. As such, we shouldn’t waste these hours. Instead, we should spend them on our most important and challenging tasks. But, before we get there, we first need to identify […]
No disrespect, but the days of hanging a calendar on the wall or placing one on your desk are probably over. You have a calendar with you 24/7 in your pocket thanks to your smartphone. It’s your smartphone and laptop where you can tap into the best business calendar app. Now, we have the calendar […]
John Rampton
John’s goal in life is to make people’s lives much more productive. Upping productivity allows us to spend more time doing the things we enjoy most. John was recently recognized by Entrepreneur Magazine as being one of the top marketers in the World. John is co-founder and CEO of Calendar.