How to Recover From Burnout – Even When You’re Toast


Wednesday, August 31st, 2022

How to Recover From Burnout – Even When You’re Toast

It’s no secret that burnout is a common problem among most of us. But, COVID-19 introduced new stressors to nearly every aspect of life, from working longer hours to increased work and at-home demands. Moreover, because work and life are no longer separated, burnout is on the rise. Simply put, burnout and stress are everywhere. […]

Why Is Time Management Considered a Soft Skill?

Time Management

Monday, August 22nd, 2022

Why Is Time Management Considered a Soft Skill?

Optimizing your resume is vital when applying for a job, asking for a raise, or seeking a promotion. Obviously, factors like your education and experience play a role. However, it’s also true for the hard skills you possess, such as the specific knowledge and skills required to perform well at a job. However, increasingly, soft […]

What Are the Biggest Time Stealers?

Business Tips

Monday, August 15th, 2022

What Are the Biggest Time Stealers?

While it’s true that time is your most valuable asset, sometimes wasting time can be beneficial. For example, distracting yourself from work for a little bit can give your brain a chance to rest and recharge. It may also spark creativity, boost your mood, reduce stress, and reminds you of your goals. In short, wasting […]

Practicing Purposeful Productivity


Monday, August 8th, 2022

Practicing Purposeful Productivity

Would you like to be more productive? Of course, you want to be more productive! But we want to find a better way to be more productive — and that’s called Purposeful Productivity, and likely why you’re currently reading this article. Sure. You can devour the countless books and hacks out there that promise you’ll […]

How to Manage Your Time if You’re Going to College

Time Management

Tuesday, August 2nd, 2022

How to Manage Your Time if You’re Going to College

What’s one of the biggest concerns for the 61.8 percent of 2021 high school graduates enrolled in colleges or universities? Adjusting to college life and time management while in college. A college schedule is not as rigid as a high school schedule. In high school, administrators plan nearly every moment of every day. Sure, it’s […]

What Leaders Can Learn From Great Teachers

Business Tips

Monday, July 25th, 2022

What Leaders Can Learn From Great Teachers

“The best teachers are leaders, and the best leaders are also teachers,” says Harvard Business School Professor Thomas DeLong, who has taught over 20,000 MBAs and executives across the globe since 1997. According to him, teachers, as with leaders, “should be like a mad scientist who can’t wait to get to the classroom to share […]

Entrepreneurship Takes Balancing Your Work, Life, and Parenting


Wednesday, July 20th, 2022

Entrepreneurship Takes Balancing Your Work, Life, and Parenting

For most of us, there’s nothing more meaningful than family and business in life. But, unfortunately, both require a lot from a person. And as a result, it can be challenging to balance them. Unfortunately, life doesn’t come with a manual for being a working parent. And this is especially true for “parentrepreneurs.” As an […]

How People Make Hacking a Legit Career Choice


Tuesday, July 12th, 2022

How People Make Hacking a Legit Career Choice

The media, journalists, and the public are prone to oversimplification. And hackers are no exception. Hackers get a bad rap in movies and TV shows. Their reputation is often that of a shadowy, secretive, or marginal group. Here’s how people make hacking a legit career choice.  Possibly it’s the evil genius who can quickly break […]

21 Minute Habits That Can Boost Your Productivity by 100%


Monday, June 20th, 2022

21 Minute Habits That Can Boost Your Productivity by 100%

As the name suggests, micro habits require minimal motivation and effort to accomplish. Eventually, this little habit will build on top of itself into something bigger and better for you and your goals. It’s like when you start running. You may only be able to make it half a mile. But, eventually, you’ll be cruising […]

How to Make Company Flex Schedules Work for Everyone


Wednesday, June 15th, 2022

How to Make Company Flex Schedules Work for Everyone

The demand for flexible work schedules is on the rise. ‌ ‌Almost ‌80%‌ ‌of‌ ‌the‌ ‌workers in the U.S. would prefer a job offering a flexible work schedule over one without. As a consequence, this results in employers starting to accommodate this request. ‌ So, why are so many people ‌‌‌expecting flex schedules? ‌Well,‌ ‌flexible‌ […]

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