8 Unusual Rewards Employees Appreciate More Than Raises

Business Tips

Saturday, March 9th, 2019

8 Unusual Rewards Employees Appreciate More Than Raises

Young job hoppers only jump ship when another company offers more money, right? Not exactly. According to a new infographic published by SCORE, four out of five employees appreciate better benefits — to a pay raise. That doesn’t mean top employees are content to accept below-market salaries, but it does mean employers have some wiggle room […]

The Dangers in Leading Your First Gen Z Hires

Business Tips

Monday, March 4th, 2019

The Dangers in Leading Your First Gen Z Hires

Businesses tend to treat Generation Z like Millennials at their own peril. The latest generation to join the workforce is more than just a younger breed of those who came before. They are hungrier, more technologically savvy and less forgiving of leaders who fail to meet their expectations. Companies and managers who want to attract […]

15 Things Highly Productive People Do Daily


Monday, February 25th, 2019

15 Things Highly Productive People Do Daily

If you want to become productive then you need to be committed to planning and focus. It also wouldn’t hurt to develop these 15 daily habits that the most productive people share. 1. They have a consistent morning routine. Productive people like Oprah, Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, and Arianna Huffington have morning routines. The misconception, […]

9 Tips To Making the Most Out of Your Calendar


Wednesday, February 20th, 2019

9 Tips To Making the Most Out of Your Calendar

I’m surprised at how many people don’t really know how to use their calendar effectively. After all, your calendar can help you make the most of your workday, streamline your efforts, and ensure that you won’t double-book hours or forget about important meetings, events, or todos. Your calendar could probably be considered the best productivity […]

Productivity Trends That Will Directly Affect How You Use Your Calendar


Monday, February 11th, 2019

Productivity Trends That Will Directly Affect How You Use Your Calendar

When it comes to productivity there are numerous external factors that can influence how productive your day will be. Everything from the temperature, background noise, lighting, and being satisfied at work can all play a role. One of the factors that’s not discussed much is all of the productivity trends. Not only do these trends […]

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