Productivity is a skill that we frequently talk and think about — but can always improve. There are habits in everyone’s lives that take time and allocate it towards unproductive, unnecessary and/or invaluable things. A big step towards increasing happiness levels, furthermore, is becoming more productive. When we can achieve more in shorter periods of […]
For businesses, employee training plays a significant role in developing talent and helping people realize their full potential. But many companies don’t actually know if they’re making the most out of their training programs. Are you maximizing this time? Why Employee Training Really Matters What comes to mind when you think about the concept of […]
We’ve all had those horrible, no-good days at work. Your alarm didn’t go off and you arrive late. You get the riot act from a boss or customer. You can’t focus — no matter how hard you try. Maybe even worst of all, no matter how hard you try you just can’t do anything right. […]
Making the decision to go into business for myself wasn’t made lightly. It took some time to make sure I was fully committed, and more importantly — that I could make a living. After all — I kept reading all of the enticing and mesmerizing articles that make it seems like every person who goes […]
As a business owner one of your main goals should to close deals faster so that you can increase sales. That’s always easier said than done — especially when you’ve tried every hack out there and sales are still stagnant. Harness some personal power — and pass it along. Thankfully, you can harness the power […]
Whether you like it or not, anxiety and stress are unavoidable. Seventy-two percent of people who experience stress and anxiety daily say it impacts their lives at least moderately. It is easy to understand that lives are being affected by stress considering that stress affects seven different body systems. As a result of the invasive […]
Freelancers are the kings and queens of time management. While office workers play the 9-to-5 game and founders juggle everything from board meetings to product launches, freelancers strive to maximize the ratio of dollars paid to hours worked. Founders might be the busiest people on the planet, but that doesn’t mean they’re the best at […]
I recently spotted a Gallup poll that reported that 41 percent of Americans feel that they don’t have enough time to do everything they want to do. From the CEO to any employee, to the stay at home mom/dad — if you don’t feel you have enough time to get all of your things done […]
According to a study conducted by Verizon Business, meetings are the number one time waster in the workplace. That’s because most meetings are unorganized, have no purpose, and go so off-topic that the meetings runs longer than it has to. The easiest way to solve this problem? Create a meeting agenda. This not only reduces […]
As a business owner I rely heavily on productivity tools to keep me motivated, focused, organized, and help manage my time. In fact, without these tools I doubt that I would be as successful as I am today — I can’t imagine life without G Suite. One of my favorite tools is Slack. It has […]
Howie Jones
My name is Howie and I'm a Customer Success Manager at Calendar. I like to ensure our customers get the best experience using our product. If you have questions email me howie at