Maintaining Your Mental Health and Productivity


Sunday, April 25th, 2021

Maintaining Your Mental Health and Productivity

Many of us struggled with our mental health and productivity when the COVID-19 completely turned the world upside. Then, during the summer, we were guilty somewhat of easing up a bit — and who could blame us? Then winter came, and COVID cases started surging again — but it appears with the vaccine roll-out, we […]

14 Alternatives to Picking Up Your Phone


Sunday, April 11th, 2021

14 Alternatives to Picking Up Your Phone

When IBM unveiled the first smartphone, the Simon Personal Communicated and not the iPhone, in 1992, only 50,000 units were sold. Today, there are more phones than people on the planet. Back in the late 20th Century — we couldn’t wrap our heads around the potential of mobile phones. Obviously, we use our phones to […]

132 April Holidays and Observances


Friday, April 2nd, 2021

132 April Holidays and Observances

For many of us, it was a long and dark pandemic-riddled winter. But, it appears that we’re almost through it. The days are warmer and longer. The sun is shining more brightly. And, hopefully, the worst of COVID is in the rearview mirror. “Our spring has come at last with the soft laughter of April […]

10 Creative Hacks to Foment Productivity


Thursday, April 1st, 2021

10 Creative Hacks to Foment Productivity

There seems to be a misconception that both individuals and organizations must choose between being creative or being productive. In a way, that does make sense. “There is a fundamental tension between productivity and creativity, and managers won’t get more of the latter until they recognize it,” Art Markman writes in HBR. “Productive people move […]

(Don’t Fear ) The Cancel Culture Reaper

Business Tips

Thursday, March 25th, 2021

(Don’t Fear ) The Cancel Culture Reaper

“Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in!” — Michael Corleone Why would I quote a line from 1990’s Godfather: Part III? It is arguably, after all, the worst film in the iconic franchise. But, for some reason, it reminded me of the phrase “cancel culture.” Unless you’ve been completely disconnected, […]

20 Hacks for the Best Sleep Ever


Friday, March 19th, 2021

20 Hacks for the Best Sleep Ever

I’ve been groggy the last couple of days. That’s expected — what with daylight saving time. However, it’s nothing to balk at. And I think COVID has made the “can’t sleep” worse. I recently asked a doctor about my non-sleep habits. Anxiety in the night — so I get up and work, play vid games […]

8 Time Management Tips for Teens

Time Management

Saturday, March 13th, 2021

8 Time Management Tips for Teens

As a whole, we’re a stressed-out nation. In fact, Gallup reported that 55 percent of Americans are stressed-out during the day. That’s actually 20 percent higher than the global average — I’d suspect that stress has skyrocketed since the pandemic. While stress is a normal emotion, when not addressed, there can be serious repercussions. Stress […]

155 March Holidays and Observances


Monday, March 8th, 2021

155 March Holidays and Observances

“It was one of those March days when the sun shines hot and the wind blows cold: when it is summer in the light, and winter in the shade.” — Charles Dickens, “Great Expectations.” March is an interesting month. The weather is fickle, but there’s a silver lining. The days get longer — and warmer. […]

How Your Calendar Can Save the World


Friday, March 5th, 2021

How Your Calendar Can Save the World

Is it ambitious to want to save the world? Sure. But, as Eddie Vedder sings on one of my all-time favorite Pearl Jam tunes, “Sometimes.” Seek my part, devote myself My small self Like a book amongst the many on a shelf Whatever you truly care about, spending any amount of time championing it can […]

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