14 Ways to Find the Best Back-to-School Bargains This Year

Business Tips

Saturday, August 6th, 2022

14 Ways to Find the Best Back-to-School Bargains This Year

It is never too late to start thinking about back-to-school season, even if school has just ended. Families spend a lot of money each year to get kids ready for back-to-school. For example, families with school-aged children expect an average of $848.90 for back-to-school supplies and gear. That’s a total expense of $37.1 billion spent […]

Better Content Management Using Your Online Calendar

Business Tips

Monday, August 1st, 2022

Better Content Management Using Your Online Calendar

Whenever marketers talk about marketing, there’s a phrase they like to throw out. And that phrase is “content is king.” It’s believed that Bill Gates coined the phrase back in 1996. And, it turns out, he was right. When you consistently create valuable content, it builds meaningful relationships with your audience. It also improves brand […]

How a Clear Production Schedule Sets Up Content Creators for Success

Productivity, Schedule

Wednesday, July 27th, 2022

The creative process can be disorganized and difficult to predict. Content creators who struggle to maintain balance should assemble a production schedule to help. Content creation takes a lot of time. This is true whether you’re a writer, illustrator, podcaster, or any other kind of creator. Research, writing, collaborating, recording, editing, posting, and marketing all […]

15 Habits That Can Destroy Workplace Relationships

Business Tips

Tuesday, July 19th, 2022

15 Habits That Can Destroy Workplace Relationships

No matter what field you work in, having connections with your peers can help you succeed. ‌Research ‌shows‌ ‌that‌ ‌having‌ ‌friends‌ ‌at‌ ‌work has a variety‌ ‌of‌ ‌benefits. These include job satisfaction, higher productivity, and support for personal or work-related‌ ‌issues. Moreover, 63% have reported that friends make work more enjoyable. But some bad habits […]

8 Life Skills That Will Carry You Through College and Beyond

Time Management

Friday, July 15th, 2022

8 Life Skills That Will Carry You Through College and Beyond

A degree is a powerful tool for your career. It represents cutting-edge academic training. It also serves as a certificate to earn the attention of recruiters. However, many other talents, experiences, and abilities are just as critical to living life as possessing a college education. Here are several essential life skills you want to have […]

Use Your Online Calendar to Manage Your Home Repairs


Friday, July 8th, 2022

Use Your Online Calendar to Manage Your Home Repairs

It’s the little things that keep your home together. I know. That sounds hyperbolic. ‌However, by repairing that leaky faucet, cleaning your gutters, and weatherstripping your windows, you can prevent more significant problems, such as‌ ‌severe ‌water damage. Simple maintenance, beyond checking that everything works, can also extend the life of your appliances and systems […]

Daily Ways to Build and Inspire Yourself and Others


Wednesday, July 6th, 2022

Daily Ways to Build and Inspire Yourself and Others

We all have those days when we don’t feel like doing anything. ‌Mentally and physically, we are exhausted. ‌It’s tough getting out of bed in the morning.‌ And, it’s a challenge just to get out of bed, let alone seize the day. As much as we wish we could stay in bed all day, we […]

Share Your Troubles With Your Coworkers; Boost Productivity


Sunday, June 26th, 2022

Share Your Troubles With Your Coworkers; Boost Productivity

Each of us has problems, and we all need a listening ear. ‌Maybe it’s a friend, spouse, or parent. Whatever the case, it’s nice to know that you’ve got someone you can talk to whenever you’re feeling low. Further,‌ ‌the‌ ‌boundaries between work and home have become increasingly‌ ‌‌‌entwined over the past two years. In […]

Encourage Employees to Keep Their Online Calendar


Tuesday, June 21st, 2022

Encourage Employees to Keep Their Online Calendar

Despite being an essential part of modern life, mainly because remote work is becoming more common, most people are not‌ ‌fans‌ ‌of‌ ‌online‌ ‌calendars. And, that’s a share. After all, employees can use them to stay organized, and bosses use them to keep track of what gets‌ ‌done. Sadly, most of the time, the work […]

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