The Benefits of Using a Shared Calendar


Thursday, March 9th, 2023

The Benefits of Using a Shared Calendar

It probably never crossed your mind. But a shared calendar can boost efficiency and communication both at home and at work. Why? Sharing your calendar with your coworkers, family, and customers will also help you stay organized. As an additional benefit, they enable you to be more productive and prevent many small errors from occurring. […]

The Importance of Setting Calendar Reminders


Wednesday, February 22nd, 2023

The Importance of Setting Calendar Reminders

Are you guilty of forgetting significant things? Is there an email you haven’t responded to, a family member’s birthday you forgot, or a meeting you were expected to attend? It is normal to forget things from time to time. What’s interesting, though, is how quickly people forget. Approximately 56% of information is lost within an […]

The Advantages of Having a Paper Calendar


Friday, February 17th, 2023

The Advantages of Having a Paper Calendar

Paper calendars have a long and rich history. In fact, one of the earliest calendars on paper is the Chronography of 354. As early as the fourth century, Furius Dionysius Folocalus was commissioned by Valentinus to draw and write the calendar (as they knew it). To this day, paper calendars are still used. But, due […]

February is Declutter for a Cause Month


Friday, February 3rd, 2023

February is Declutter for a Cause Month

Did you know that February is Declutter for a Cause Month? With the New Year behind us and spring cleaning approaching our minds, February is the right time to declutter. The added benefit of donating is getting rid of stuff you don’t need while helping others. How Does Declutter for a Cause Work? People are […]

Mental Health Crisis: 10 Ways to Support Your Employees


Tuesday, January 31st, 2023

Mental Health Crisis: 10 Ways to Support Your Employees

In the U.S., a mental health crisis costs the economy tens of billions of dollars each year. Almost 19% of U.S. workers rate their mental health as “fair” or “poor,” according to a Gallup survey of 15,809 respondents, and those workers are four times more likely to miss work because of their mental health. The […]

How to Be More Intentional in Your Career and Life


Friday, January 27th, 2023

How to Be More Intentional in Your Career and Life

An intentional lifestyle involves defining our priorities, getting clear on what we want from life, and living each day in alignment with them. Simply put, living intentionally means deciding what you want from life and pursuing it. In today’s fast-paced world, though, we are all overstretched and juggling “everything.” Therefore, it is not surprising that […]

Your Work at Home Routine: How to Change it Up


Sunday, January 22nd, 2023

Your Work at Home Routine: How to Change it Up

Those working from home, which is 26% of U.S. employees, have likely experienced some benefits and some drawbacks since they started doing so two or three years ago. First, let’s start with the pros. As long as the work is done and results are strong, many remote jobs also offer flexible schedules, which means workers […]

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