10 Psychological Tips to Be More Productive


Tuesday, December 20th, 2022

10 Psychological Tips to Be More Productive

We all wish we could get more done in less time. The more productive we are, the more likely we are to receive that raise, the more personal time we’ll have, and the closer we’ll be to reaching our goals. At the same time, working harder won’t happen if you bully yourself. You can’t magically […]

9 Tech Trends That Are Helping Software Teams Improve Productivity

Productivity, Time Management

Wednesday, December 7th, 2022

9 Tech Trends That Are Helping Software Teams Improve Productivity

Software teams famously follow grueling schedules and put in mind-boggling hours to meet deadlines, deploy new programs, and support their organizations’ IT operations. Yet it seems there’s always more work to be done. Seems as though everyone is looking to improve the productivity of their software teams. Hence the software industry’s relentless drive to optimize […]

101 Holiday Quotes to Make Your Spirits Bright


Friday, December 2nd, 2022

101 Holiday Quotes to Make Your Spirits Bright

Regardless of the year-end holiday, you celebrate this is the time of year to reflect, celebrate, and give back. At the same time, it can be such a stressful season that you might feel like Scrooge. This holiday season, here are some wonderful quotes from a wide variety of people to support your relaxation and […]

The Best Leadership Skills for the Holidays

Business Tips

Monday, November 21st, 2022

The Best Leadership Skills for the Holidays

It’s common to feel stressed during the holiday season. In addition to your daily responsibilities, you must also review your year-end checklist, which is a formal list of tasks you set at the end of the financial, business, or calendar year. Additionally, there are managing time-off requests and balancing life outside of work, such as […]

9 Activities for Adult Friend Groups

Business Tips

Thursday, November 17th, 2022

9 Activities for Adult Friend Groups

As adults, many people complain that they don’t have fun like they used to. Between work, raising children, or financial stress, it’s no secret that being an adult can be hard. However, one could argue that means grown-ups deserve to have some fun. Some people complain they don’t have enough time for activities anymore. However, […]

Want To Be Productive? Take It Slow


Friday, November 11th, 2022

Want To Be Productive? Take It Slow

We used to think being busy was a badge of honor. In fact, this was the central tenant of the never-stop hustle culture. If you work hard, not only will you get things done, but you’ll also become wealthy. There is, however, a downside to this mindset. When all other aspects of your life suffer, […]

How Are Time Management and Mental Health Related?

Time Management

Friday, October 28th, 2022

How Are Time Management and Mental Health Related?

Have you ever felt that you cannot accomplish all you need to do in a day? Are you feeling overworked and stressed? Does it seem like you don’t even have a one-solitary minute to catch your breath? To be fair, we all get busy with stressful responsibilities. It doesn’t matter if they are related to […]

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