Going into business for yourself is a big deal. There’s always a long to-do list and you’ll find yourself wearing many different hats from time to time. Your business is more of a hobby if you’re not making money. Properly managing and organizing your small business finances can contribute to the success of your business […]
Running a business is a lot of work. Most entrepreneurs start working for themselves to fulfill a passion and gain more control over their time. However, it often comes as a surprise that business owners tend to work way more hours than the average employee. When you’re in the growth phase of your business, don’t […]
Have you ever spent an entire workday on calls only to feel like you accomplished very little at the end of the day? Meetings and calls don’t always fall perfectly in line with a productive work week. However, scheduling the right type of calls can help your business get ahead in so many ways. I […]
Networking is great for small businesses. Can you make money instantly after networking? In most cases, the answer is no. It takes time to build a solid relationship with others and allow the benefits of networking to surface. Nevertheless, it’s an essential way to gain key industry contacts and even receive a steady stream of […]
Feel like it’s time to grow your business? Apart from finances, you need to hire the right team members to help your business grow. Working with the right team members can catapult the success of your business because you’ll be able to essentially double your workload and your profit by passing off tasks to other […]
There comes a time in your business where you’ll feel like you need to clone yourself to get all the tasks checked off your to-do list. I don’t know if scientists have figured out the magic formula for cloning someone yet, but the next best thing you can do is outsource to gain back more […]
Being sick sucks. No one ever wants to get sick so it always happens at an inconvenient time. If you’re running a business that requires your constant attention, it may become very difficult to manage your current schedule when you’re feeling under the weather. Nevertheless, there will be times when your productivity will completely tank due […]
How does your workday end? Do you feel guilty about not getting enough done? Do you stretch yourself for another hour in an attempt to get more done? Or do you just pass out from exhaustion at midnight and close your laptop leaving 15 tabs open? Entrepreneurs are encouraged to always be “on” which makes […]
I’m a planner. I love writing things down and preparing myself for the work week in advance. Still, as a content producer myself, planning website content isn’t always an easy task. When you do finally force yourself to sit down and start planning content for your website, blog, email list, etc. it can be a […]
Online businesses and teams of remote workers are continuing to define the way business is best conducted in today’s society. The virtual workplace has become more and more common leading business owners to determine how they will best manage their remote team members. Developing a solid work culture with your virtual team can be tricky. […]
Choncé Maddox
Choncé Maddox is a professional writer who recently left her job in the web design industry to produce killer content and manage her own writing business full time. She is passionate about helping entrepreneurs be more productive and create a life they love by doing fulfilling work. On the side, she runs a podcast and blogs about getting out of debt at MyDebtEpiphany.com.