The weeks leading up to a big trip can be incredibly exciting. It’s fun to imagine all the places you’ll go, things you’ll experience, and memories you’ll grow to cherish. Don’t let all that excitement distract you from your obligations, however. You don’t want to be in the mountains or on the beach and realize […]
It’s odd how easily your most important relationships can slip away in a supposedly more connected world. It’s undeniable that advancements in technology, such as the internet and social media, brought new ways for people to interact. Yet these advancements have also made life much busier. And with so many obligations for you to meet, […]
Thrifting is a fun, inexpensive, and eco-friendly way to expand your wardrobe and improve your personal style. It’s also a fun summer activity you can do with your friends. Planning your thrift trips ahead of time will help you make the most of them and find the unique pieces you’re looking for. Here are nine […]
You have a task or assignment to complete that should only take 20 minutes of your time. You begin to work on it, but your phone chimes with a text message from a friend. Then, a Slack message from a coworker asks you to share a document with them. You then start organizing your desktop […]
Thanks to budding technologies, the world is more connected than ever. A device with the power of a computer and global reach is literally in most people’s pockets. With a cellphone, you can be connected to work, family, and friends from most places on the planet. This has allowed work to have more flexibility for […]
What’s the bane of every worker’s existence? The answer will almost always be Meetings. Even though they are essential for brainstorming and collaboration, they can quickly become time-consuming. According to research, the average employee attends 62 meetings a month. Besides that, 31 hours are wasted on unproductive meetings. The result? We have a full calendar […]
A healthy lifestyle requires a balance between what you want and what you need. Your body may need a salad, but your heart may wish to have a pizza. Or maybe your mind needs to rest, but your heart wants to binge-watch a show. Your day is torn between this constant struggle, making healthy habits […]
Enjoying social time with friends and family is essential for good mental and physical health. It builds strong community bonds and helps relieve stress for an overall healthier life. However, busy work schedules and errands often leave little free time for socializing. Proactive planning can help you get work done faster and find more time […]
If you’re like everyone else in the world, you likely feel like you don’t have enough time each day. “Maximize your time with minimal effort.” Sounds too good to be true, right? Well, thanks to the variety of features available from digital calendars, getting the most out of your working day is possible. While many […]
With every passing day, winter’s chill fades, and spring’s vibrant colors replace dull monotones. It’s time to emerge from hibernation, dust off your calendar, and join the world in planning your favorite spring activities. However, with so many options available, it can be hard to ensure you make the most of everything and don’t miss […]
Angela Ruth
My name is Angela Ruth. I aim to help you learn how Calendar can help you manage your time, boost your productivity, and spend your days working on things that matter, both personally and professionally. Here's to improving all your calendars and becoming the person you are destined to become!