After researching, testing, and researching some more, you’ve chosen a new online calendar. Congratulations, but consider this: Do you know how to migrate your old calendar to your new one? In this article we’ll break down two scenarios: Moving from your physical calendar to an online calendar, and moving your existing online calendar information to […]
Alice Cooper sang, “School’s out for summer!” And while the iconic band had exited the stage by the time the online calendar debuted, it would’ve agreed: Summer needs a schedule. Scheduling makes it possible to fit everything you want to get out of the summer into one brief season. Putting your priorities on your calendar […]
“Be the change you wish to see in the world.” You’re probably familiar with this famous Mahatma Gandhi quote. But, that’s because it speaks volumes. After all, one person does have the power to change the world. And, when you do, you’ll improve your well-being, forge stronger bonds, and improve your community — even if […]
Everyone knows that keeping a calendar can save you time. But online calendars can do something even better: save you money. The top calendar apps boast a number of features that can help you monitor your finances and put more money back in your pocket. True, the concept of using a calendar as a money-saving […]
According to the Gallup 2019 Global Emotions Report, Americans are the most stressed, angry, and worried people in the world. In fact, this issue is at the highest levels in a decade. “What really stood out for the U.S. is the increase in the negative experiences,” Julie Ray, Gallup’s managing editor for world news, told […]
We live in an age of distractions. Take when you’re trying to focus 100 percent on your work. You’re just about to get in the zone when suddenly your phone buzzes. It’s a notification tempting you to check that text, email, or message you just received. But that’s only one example. You can also get […]
With COVID-19 on the loose — you may be dreaming of a vacation. The days have gotten longer and the air warmer, and that really makes a vacation embedded in your mind. We’ll get there. Most airlines and others are allowing cancellations — so go ahead — plan your vācā. Here is how to pick […]
Working from home can be awesome: more freedom, lunch from your own fridge, conference calls in your sweats. And it was a little more fun working from home when everyone wasn’t doing it (COVID!). But what happens when it isn’t awesome anymore? When you’re slogging through long, lonely working hours from a single room in […]
Do you feel like no matter how much time you have, you never get enough done? It might not be your work life that’s the issue; it could be what’s happening at home. Here are six at-home bad habits that could be killing your work productivity. Clutter and chaos at home can bleed into the […]
It’s 11 a.m. The conference call has been droning on for 40 minutes, and you’re starting to nod off. Your mind wanders. Possibly you didn’t get a good night’s sleep last night, and you didn’t eat a good breakfast this morning. You realize that you are not paying attention to the meeting — did you […]
Angela Ruth
My name is Angela Ruth. I aim to help you learn how Calendar can help you manage your time, boost your productivity, and spend your days working on things that matter, both personally and professionally. Here's to improving all your calendars and becoming the person you are destined to become!