5 Ways Multigenerational Teams Can Improve Collaboration

Business Tips

Wednesday, January 25th, 2023

5 Ways Multigenerational Teams Can Improve Collaboration

Working together as a multigenerational team isn’t always the easiest thing to do. Individuals of different generations often have different value sets and methodologies for approaching work. They might also prefer to use different software to support their respective work styles. The uncommunicated or misunderstood disparity in ideals can cause friction that may lead to […]

5 Reasons Setting Customer Expectations Goes a Long Way

Business Tips

Friday, January 13th, 2023

5 Reasons Setting Customer Expectations Goes a Long Way

There are a lot of different things that go into starting and operating a business. You need a product or service that can sell and a team that can distribute it. You need marketing campaigns, a customer service plan, and financial planning. All of these things are important, but there are nitty-gritty details, like customer […]

Here Are 6 Ways Businesses Can Manage Difficult Customers

Business Tips

Thursday, January 5th, 2023

Here Are 6 Ways Businesses Can Manage Difficult Customers

Let’s face it, sometimes, customers aren’t exactly an easy bunch. Some people will enter your business or log onto your website and struggle despite your best efforts to guide them in the right direction. These customers can get flustered, frustrated, burdensome, or just downright mean when things aren’t going their way. From a business perspective, […]

6 Reasons Why Your Customers Could Be Leaving

Business Tips

Friday, December 30th, 2022

6 Reasons Why Your Customers Could Be Leaving

There are few feelings that are as gratifying as closing your first deal as a new entrepreneur. All of your hard work and ingenuity have led up to that moment. Once you get one paying customer, you can start to snowball your business into a genuine competitor in your industry of choice. While it’s nice […]

How Businesses Can Get Ready for 2023

Business Tips

Friday, December 9th, 2022

How Businesses Can Get Ready for 2023

Each January brings a lot of exciting opportunities. The new year is a great place to set goals — both in your personal and professional lives. Here we will talk about your calendar-based business and what you can do to get ready to take 2023 by storm. Businesses that rely on a calendar to schedule […]

Think Beyond the Mug: Personalized Gift Ideas for the Holidays

Business Tips

Thursday, December 1st, 2022

Think Beyond the Mug: Personalized Gift Ideas for the Holidays

It’s that time of year again — the holiday season is upon us all. From November to January, there are so many different holidays and celebrations. From religious observances to ugly sweater parties and New Year’s Eve Gala or game nights — parties and gift ideas run the gamut. As an organization and team, thinking […]

Ignite and Maintain Creative Energy in Digital Meetings

Business Tips

Friday, November 18th, 2022

Ignite and Maintain Creative Energy in Digital Meetings

It’s been more than three years since the virus raced through our meetings, upending the status quo. And the apple cart isn’t going to change back. Many of us have been working remotely for so long, using digital collaboration platforms like Basecamp, Slack, and Zoom, that it’s difficult to recall what it was like to […]

How to Plan for a Work Holiday Party

Business Tips

Tuesday, November 8th, 2022

How to Plan for a Work Holiday Party

A handful of holidays are approaching, so it’s time for fun, seasonal activities! If you are planning a company holiday party, it can come with a lot of responsibility. To ensure your party is enjoyable for everyone, you need to fulfill all your employees’ party needs. Your checklist can seem daunting, from budget to entertainment […]

4 Ways Teams Can Plan for Holiday Time Off

Business Tips

Friday, November 4th, 2022

4 Ways Teams Can Plan for Holiday Time Off

In the modern business world, it’s easy to let work time slip into off time. The advent of the pandemic encourages many businesses to try remote working. The expectation to be “always on” can be draining. Simply put, it’s easy to work too hard too often. And this is especially the case during the holiday […]

7 Holiday Observances in November

Business Tips

Wednesday, November 2nd, 2022

7 Holiday Observances in November

Every month brings with it a series of observances. These are special occasions that may take place on a specific day or span up to a week or even more. Some of the November holidays are the classics you know of, like Thanksgiving, Veteran’s Day, and so on. Others you might never have heard of […]

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