How to Help Your Peers Be More Productive

Business Tips, Productivity

Monday, April 13th, 2020

How to Help Your Peers Be More Productive

For your team to be at its best, each member must be working productively. And that doesn’t mean just thinking about your own productivity: When was the last time you evaluated your impact on the team’s productivity? For most of us, that answer is somewhere between “not recently” and “never.” And what we see as […]

Staying Focused when Working from Home

Freelancer, Productivity

Saturday, April 4th, 2020

Staying Focused when Working from Home

Working from home can be pretty sweet—no long and lousy commutes. You can work around your preferred schedule. And, you don’t need to be concerned about distractions like talkative and sick co-workers. At the same time, remote working does come with its own set of challenges. I’m talking about interruptions friends, family, neighbors, and pets, […]

5 Ways to Boost Your Productivity for Less than $20

Business Tips, Productivity

Tuesday, March 24th, 2020

5 Ways to Boost Your Productivity for Less than $20

If it feels like time is of the essence, it’s because it is. And if it feels like we are busier than ever, it’s because we are. It seems as though so much of life today is deadline-driven, especially for business professionals. Between internal projects, off-site meetings, and getting the actual work done, the sheer […]

How to Create a Healthy Napping Culture


Monday, March 2nd, 2020

How to Create a Healthy Napping Culture

For obvious reasons, falling asleep on the job is frowned upon. But taking a quick nap is a different thing than falling asleep on the job. There are known productivity boost’s that often include a quick nap at work. Here is how to create a healthy napping culture. Evidently, the U.S. government doesn’t think so: […]

Procrastination Means Managing Your Emotions, Not Your Time


Thursday, February 20th, 2020

Procrastination Means Managing Your Emotions, Not Your Time

Procrastination is something that we’ve all had to overcome at one point or another. And, while it can have negative effects like missing deadlines and fracturing relationships, procrastination is often misunderstood. There is a myth that says that delays are entirely your decision because you’re lazy. While sometimes, there are external factors that cause a […]

5 Ways to Spring Clean Your Schedule Now

Calendar, Productivity

Tuesday, February 11th, 2020

5 Ways to Spring Clean Your Schedule Now

For many of us, the winter months are draining. Before we know it, our schedules are bogged down, and there doesn’t seem to be enough time in the day. On top of that, some people struggle with seasonal affective disorder, a type of mild depression that is common in the fall and winter months. Here […]

10 Soft Skills to Encourage in Your Team

Business Tips

Thursday, February 6th, 2020

10 Soft Skills to Encourage in Your Team

I know that you have a packed schedule. But, take a minute and think about who you hired the people compromising your current team. Don’t make this any more complicated then it has to be. Do this small activity when you’re taking a break, walking around the workplace, or meeting with your team one-on-one. Here […]

How do I get Outlook Calendar to Show Up on My Calendar?


Sunday, December 29th, 2019

How do I get Outlook Calendar to Show Up on My Calendar?

If you’re a child of the 90s, then you grow-up on Microsoft. It’s hard to fathom for younger generations. However, Apple and Google weren’t the behemoths that they are today — Google didn’t even arrive until 1998. Instead, when you jumped onto a computer, you were using Microsoft Office. As such, you became familiar with […]

Productively Managing an Executive’s Calendar

Calendar, Productivity, Time Management

Monday, December 23rd, 2019

Productively Managing an Executive’s Calendar

Whether you’re an intern, assistant, or helping out a friend or family, you may be asked to help manage someone else’s calendar. That responsibility should never be taken lightly. They need their day to run as smoothly as possible to protect their business, reputation, and well-being. Here’s how to productively manage an executive’s calendar. But, […]

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