Create a Happiness Routine on Your Online Calendar

Business Tips

Tuesday, September 15th, 2020

Create a Happiness Routine on Your Online Calendar

Everyone deserves to be happy. Unfortunately, it’s not always as easy as flipping a switch. It’s essential to guard your mind and your thoughts if you want to be happier. You can help yourself by creating a happiness routine on your online Calendar. No doubt, life can be challenging. But you can’t let sadness or […]

Get School Lunch on Lock Using Your Online Calendar

Business Tips

Monday, August 31st, 2020

Get School Lunch on Lock Using Your Online Calendar

Textbooks, pencils, paper: Your kid’s book bag is almost packed, but it’s missing one key item: a healthy lunch. Your Calendar can help you serve up school lunch with ease. Keeping everyone fed is hard work. Thankfully, your online calendar is an ideal tool for planning meals, including school lunch. It is really nice to […]

How to Beat the Heat With Your Online Calendar


Wednesday, August 26th, 2020

How to Beat the Heat With Your Online Calendar

Nothing says summer like sweat and sun. But as fun as a day outdoors can be, the heat can make you feel like a melting popsicle. We are still having really hot days. Here is how to beat the heat with your online calendar. Stay cool with some help from your online calendar. There are […]

Keep Up With Housekeeping Using Your Online Calendar

Business Tips

Tuesday, August 18th, 2020

Keep Up With Housekeeping Using Your Online Calendar

Even with an online calendar, homeownership is no walk in the park. There’s always something to scrub, clean, or fix, and never enough time in which to do it. However, adding a chore list to your online Calendar will help you sort out what has to be done and when.  Scheduling out your housework can […]

Circadian Rhythm Hacks to Boost Your Productivity


Friday, July 31st, 2020

Circadian Rhythm Hacks to Boost Your Productivity

Have you ever experienced jetlag? Do you find yourself dragging in the afternoon? Are you finding that your workday is way too early for you in the winter? If you’ve answered yes to any of those, there’s an answer. Your circadian rhythm is thrown off. What exactly are circadian rhythms and why are they important? […]

7 Productivity-Minded Ways to Personalize Your Desk

Business Tips

Saturday, July 11th, 2020

7 Productivity-Minded Ways to Personalize Your Desk

Whether you work in a cubicle or a home office, your desk is practically an extension of your body. You spend more time there than anywhere else (except maybe in your bed, if you’re lucky). That’s why it’s important to personalize your desk not just for personal taste, but for productivity. Here are seven productivity-minded […]

7 Color-Coding Tips to Clarify Your Online Calendar


Monday, July 6th, 2020

7 Color-Coding Tips to Clarify Your Online Calendar

Online calendars are excellent tools for visualizing your schedule. But what happens when you have so many appointments that your at-a-glance system won’t cut it any more? Calendar companies know life is busy. That’s why many of them offer a color-coding feature. Clever use of color-coding can help you optimize your calendar so you’ll never […]

How Can You Help Your New Grad Calendar Success?


Wednesday, June 24th, 2020

How Can You Help Your New Grad Calendar Success?

The other day while taking a walk on a gorgeous day, I went past the local yesterday. What was different on this particular day was that it was graduation day. And, that got me thinking. I wish I could tell these younglings just how important a calendar will be as they enter college and then […]

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