5 Types of Diets for Healthier Eating

Business Tips

Saturday, October 16th, 2021

5 Types of Diets for Healthier Eating

As the holidays start to roll in, so do the endless treats and hearty meals. But, unfortunately, it’s all too easy to overindulge in pastries, candies, cookies, and more, especially at parties and holiday festivals. Whether you want to diet in preparation for the holidays, plan to lose some pounds after, or just want to […]

Why Every Gig Worker Needs an Online Calendar

Business Tips

Saturday, October 2nd, 2021

Why Every Gig Worker Needs an Online Calendar

The spotlight was shined on the gig economy during the heat of Covid-19 as thousands of workers looked to earn paychecks as businesses closed around them. While most of the world has since reopened, the gig economy is still alive and well. There are a lot of positive aspects of being a gig worker that […]

Teach Your Kids Responsibility With a Pet

Business Tips

Friday, September 10th, 2021

Teach Your Kids Responsibility With a Pet

Looking for a way to teach your kids responsibility in a challenging yet enjoyable way? Get them a pet! Taking care of a pet is one of the most fulfilling things you can do. You essentially add another member to your family that will fill the years with extra fun. Whether you’re starting with a […]

How Parents Should Spend Their Time With Kids Back in School

Business Tips

Sunday, August 22nd, 2021

How Parents Should Spend Their Time With Kids Back in School

A lot of parents really look forward to the first day of school. Not only do they support growth and learning, but it’s also nice to have the house to themselves for a few hours each day. Summer can get pretty hectic, and school hours provide a much-needed respite. For stay-at-home parents, those school hours […]

6 Things to Do Before School is Back in Session

Business Tips

Thursday, August 5th, 2021

6 Things to Do Before School is Back in Session

The start of a new school year has a lot of mixed feelings. Students will be excited to see their friends and spend a lot of time with them, but they may dread all of the homework that comes along with the school learning and fun. Parents sometimes think things will quiet down at the […]

Ways Businesses Can Get Their Calendar and Finances Organized

Business Tips

Friday, July 30th, 2021

Ways Businesses Can Get Their Calendar and Finances Organized

Staying organized in all areas of business may not be a strong skill for many founders. Try as they might, plenty of entrepreneurs are unable to bring order to their chaos. Some even claim that they thrive on not knowing what comes next. But for the vast majority of executives, disorganization leaves them at a […]

8 Backyard Activities for Your Online Calendar

Business Tips, Calendar

Tuesday, June 29th, 2021

8 Backyard Activities for Your Online Calendar

Summer is full of so many fun opportunities, especially with the kids having extra time off from school. However, there will be many days when your kids complain about how bored they are. Is it your job to never let that happen? Well, no, it’s not your job exactly — but here are some fun […]

Have a Wonderful Father’s Day With Dad Today

Business Tips

Sunday, June 20th, 2021

Have a Wonderful Father’s Day With Dad Today

What do Nemo, Simba, and The Incredibles have in common? They all have a pretty amazing dad.  Father’s Day is your chance to go above and beyond for the father figure in your life. Give dad the whole-day celebration he deserves by making the most of your time.  Where should you start? With a great […]

How to Use Your Online Calendar to Promote Mental Health

Business Tips

Saturday, June 12th, 2021

How to Use Your Online Calendar to Promote Mental Health

Your most important asset isn’t your car, your house, or even your professional expertise; it’s your mental health. The rest of your life relies on your mental wellbeing. Especially while the world is facing COVID-19, you have to protect it with every tool available to you — including your online calendar. What Your Calendar Can […]

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