Developing the right habits can often lead to success and the positive results you want. It’s easier said than done, however.
Habits take time to build and can be difficult to stick to long-term. In order to get to your intended destination, you must be able to make your habits stick.
When it comes to your business, that can be crucial since you want to be more productive, efficient, and focused so you can stay on task.
Here are a few strategies you can use to make good entrepreneurial habits stick.
Set the Bar, But Take Steps to Get There
Most people will tell you to dream big with your business and your life. While there is nothing wrong with that, you’ll have to develop some pretty solid habits and a strict conviction in order to make it work.
To increase your chances of success, develop habits that allow you to take things step by step so you can fall in love with the process and not the end result.
For example, if your big goal is for your business to reach 1 million people, you may want to set a daily habit of reading 1,500 words each day about marketing, business, success, and personal development, or listening to one 30-minute podcast episode.
Eliminate Distractions
If you’re trying to develop better habits, you’ll want to do your best to eliminate distractions that can easily lead to setbacks.
For example, your daily reading quota can be easily missed if you decide to watch too much television instead.
If you procrastinate and browse too much on social media, you could end up missing your deadlines.
Maybe you have a spending distraction and give in to shiny object syndrome too much when you should be managing your profit better.
It’s best to identify your distractions early on before they lead to your downfall. Then, either eliminate or reduce your access to them.
Plan Out Your Process
Goals don’t work without a plan. The same goes with developing habits. You don’t just wake up each day and start doing something new. You have to plan out how you’re going to make it happen.
Develop specific processes to ensure you develop and grow the right habits regularly. Get organized and make scheduling meetings, work sessions, and self-care apart from your daily schedule.
Protect Your Mental Energy
Sticking to your habits will require a great deal of mental energy and willpower at first. You don’t want to be so mentally drained and wore out that you just say “Oh well, forget it” when you fail to keep up with a habit and make progress toward a goal.
Eliminate the number of decisions you have to make each day and opt to make everything more routine. This means, stop making a big fuss about what you’re going to wear each day, what you’re going to eat, and when you’re going to eat it.
Get on a stable routine and have your mental energy and decision making willpower for the bigger tasks at hand.
What new habits are you setting this year and how will you stick to them?
Choncé Maddox
Choncé Maddox is a professional writer who recently left her job in the web design industry to produce killer content and manage her own writing business full time. She is passionate about helping entrepreneurs be more productive and create a life they love by doing fulfilling work. On the side, she runs a podcast and blogs about getting out of debt at MyDebtEpiphany.com.