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Calendar Reviews

Love the tool!
"I like how it aggregates all my Calendars. I have my personal and work calendars all in one place. I like how it doesn't share the personal info with my team and just blocks off the time instead.The team's feature I'm getting used to, but thus far I like how you can easily book with your team."
Renee J
Freelance Writer
Making Scheduling Easy, and Better.
"I love the user experience of! It allows for scheduling to be made easy, which is something most people have as a part of their workload. It also takes the idea that 'sending someone a calendar link is impersonal' and turns it on its head. You can book a time to meet at any of a person's favorite restaurants, and other pre-selected locations near them, and I find that an extremely cool feature!"
Joseph F
Technical Sales Executive
Modern Calendar app
"Modern Calendar app - has some slick functionality that has saved me time & hassle of back and forth texts/emails etc. Makes my life easier."
Varun M

How Calendar Scheduling Works

Create Scheduling Events

Create scheduling events.

Create scheduling events for customized event and online meeting templates. Scheduling pages can be customized. You choose which scheduling events are displayed.
Share Custom Scheduling Link

Share your custom link.

You can send your customized calendar links to anyone. They will be able to schedule a meeting with you based on your online availability.
Free Scheduling Software

Free scheduling software.

Meetings scheduled through your scheduling app will automatically show up on your Calendar. Skipping the hassle of back and forth emails.
Online Scheduling

Online Scheduling Made Simple

You’ll have the ability to allow anyone to choose and schedule a meeting directly to your Calendar. Your Calendar will protect you from any pre-existing or conflicting meetings being scheduled at the same time. All you have to do is send them your customized personal scheduling link.
Calendar Analytics

Calendar Analytics

We've reinvented the calendar experience to help you be more productive and intentional than ever before. With features like Calendar Analytics, for Teams you can have a calendar that showcases you and maximizes your most valuable resource: your time.

Learn More About Analytics
Find a Time

Team Scheduling: Round Robin

Calendar eliminates the endless back and forth emails between sales team members. The average sales team overbooks themselves 2–3x a day. Automatic sync schedules and fair lead distribution. Never miss or overbook a sales lead again.

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Find a Time

Find a Time: Schedule an Online Meeting

Skip the seemingly endless emails or chat required to find time to meet and schedule events. Calendar’s Find a Time feature makes it easy to schedule with other people in seconds. Enter multiple calendar users, see when they are busy or available, and then create an event based on their availability. That’s productivity at its best.Try Now for Free
Business Calendar

Unified Online Calendar

Over the past 10 years, our lives have become more complex. Everyone is busy, and we carry our time-crunched schedules like badges of honor. People are moving faster than ever before — which means we’re not slowing down enough to determine whether the way we’re spending our time reflects our values.Try Now for Free
Calendar Is Learning

Your Online Calendar is always learning

The more you use scheduling Calendar, the more valuable it becomes. We utilize artificial intelligence and machine learning to develop a unique scheduling experience tailored to you. In simple terms, we’ll help you become more productive with your calendar over time!

One Click Scheduling
One-Click Scheduling
Time Zone Recognition
Time Zone Recognition
Multi Person Scheduling
Easy Multi-Person Scheduling
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Team Analytics and Advanced Team Analytics

Scheduling software built for teams.

Calendar has now given you the capability to schedule with team members in seconds. Enter your team members and any other Calendar users you need to meet with, see when they are busy or available, and then create your meeting based on their availability.

Calendar Analytics for Teams & Advanced Team Analytics coming soon!!!

Get Started with Teams

Calendar Productivity Blog

Calendar blog will keep you up to date with the "latest and greatest" news, tools and helps for driving you and your team to greater heights in productivity and business.

Team meetings as business owners
Conquer the Winter Slump: 12 Morning Rituals to Ignite Your Energy
January 10, 2025

In winter, shorter days are usually followed by colder temperatures and a natural desire to hibernate. As such, there is often a temptation to curl up under a warm blanket and skip our usual routines. We can, however, cultivate energy, focus, and a positive mindset through intentional morning habits that prevent us from succumbing to […]

Team meetings as business owners
Avoid Burnout in 2025 With These 5 Calendar Improvements
January 9, 2025

Are you constantly feeling overworked, stressed, or burdened by your escalating to-do list? There is a good chance that you are well on your way to burnout. Burnout syndrome, or job burnout, is a state of complete exhaustion. Your mental and physical health starts to decline, and you may become disinterested in activities you once […]

Team meetings as business owners
Deep Work vs. Multitasking: When to Focus and When to Switch Gears
January 8, 2025

We live in a world filled with distractions. Throughout the workday, 79% of workers report feeling distracted. Employees lose an estimated 720 hours a year because of workplace distractions. As a result, managing our time and attention has become extremely important for productivity. To achieve this, deep work and multitasking are two contrasting approaches. Both […]

Best Calendar App

Best Calendar App

We rank the best calendar apps in the World. We breakdown everything to help your business productivity grow daily.

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Google Calendar

Google Calendar

Learn everything there is to know about Google calendar. We teach you tips and tricks to better optimize your time.

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Calendar Frequently Asked Questions

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